[Solved] Feature Request - Collapsible Rooms

Just got my first Android Phone last week (converting from Palm Pre/WebOS due to lack of Apps)… One of the first Apps I installed was Home Buddy and loved it so much that I even donated to the cause…

One feature I would like to see in the Devices tab is collapsing Rooms. It would be nice to be able to launch and see just the Rooms listed (no devices) and then open a specific room to see it’s devices… When you have 30+ devices organized into rooms, scrolling can take longer than being able to open a room…

Not sure if this has been asked before but it’s something I would like to see.

Thanks for all your work - too bad there wasn’t a WebOS version…

Hi vera_nc, thanks so much for your donation! I’m glad you like Home Buddy and find it useful.

That is an excellent suggestion! I can see how scrolling through that many devices can be a pain. I’ll put this on the list and try to get that done for you.

Thanks again, and btw, nice move switching to Android 8)

Thanks - that would be awesome. I have no problems contributing to good software.

I miss my Palm/WebOS. Truly a great OS and the Touchstone charger rocks… Just circumstances (acquisition) and no new handsets seemed to limit development.

My Samsung Epic has a great UI and is not much worse than the WebOS interface…

If it makes you feel any better, the guy behind WebOS’ design, Matias Duarte, now works for Google and is behind the future of Android’s UI design. Here’s a recent interview with Engadget at CES 2011: