So I moved a bunch of stuff (UI4) to a "Hidden Automation" room, and now it's go

In order to clean up interacting with the web GUI, I did what many here have done–I created a new pseudo-room named "Hidden Automation, and moved things there that weren’t intended to be turned on/off or run by hand. The garage relays went there, since turning them on by hand and leaving them on would be bad.

But much of what I moved were the scenes to turn on the porch lights at dusk, lock the garden shed at dusk, etc. I looked at the GUI this morning. The room is there. The garage relays are there. Nothing else is. Are these scenes really gone (guess I’ll know tonight when/if the lights start coming on–but the ones that should have gone off last night, well after I finished monkeying with stuff did so)? If they’re not gone, how do I find them to edit or update them–or even disable them?




Many of us have noticed problems with Vera keeping settings.
I for myself have noticed that i cannot make 2 or 3 changes to a setting, i will need to make on setting, exit the scene and save, then go back in do the next and so on.

Its the same for me with creating and mocing scenes, one step at a time.

Because its hard to reproduce im not sure anyone has filed a bug on this issue, but in many threads this type of behaviour has been referenced.

As for hiding/unhiding stuff, it was available in UI2 and UI4 supports it in code, but not in accessible functionality.
You could try to use @Timalls “Touchscreen for Windows” from this thread:

It reports all devices, scenes and rooms set in your Vera’s user data.
If the application doesnt report it, its not there (anymore) and you would have to restore a backup (which you made prior to this of course?)

Hope this helps!

No, I hadn’t done a backup, so my bad. And yes, I moved several things at once, without doing intervening “saves” and waiting for the whole schmear to restart itself. Frankly, it makes no sense to me that changing the room attribute of something would require a restart of any of the Z-wave or LUA stuff. What’s weird is that the relay controls, which were moved with all of this, survived. The scenes were the only things that disappeared. And those appear to be functioning–the switched outlet for the power strip out in the garage that has all the drill motor chargers and such plugged into it is on. So these scenes exist.

And I just completely shut down the browser I was using, and started from scratch, and it’s all there. Sigh. Time to do a backup, and have some coffee.


[quote=“rlmalisz, post:3, topic:168507”]No, I hadn’t done a backup, so my bad. And yes, I moved several things at once, without doing intervening “saves” and waiting for the whole schmear to restart itself. Frankly, it makes no sense to me that changing the room attribute of something would require a restart of any of the Z-wave or LUA stuff. What’s weird is that the relay controls, which were moved with all of this, survived. The scenes were the only things that disappeared. And those appear to be functioning–the switched outlet for the power strip out in the garage that has all the drill motor chargers and such plugged into it is on. So these scenes exist.

And I just completely shut down the browser I was using, and started from scratch, and it’s all there. Sigh. Time to do a backup, and have some coffee.



Sometimes a will refresh the UI to get it up to date… beats opening /closing the browser and funny surprises!

If they were previously saved scenes that you then moved without saving, they should still be there. If you created the scenes, then moved them without saving, they will be gone.

On the other issue of saving. [quote=“Henk, post:2, topic:168507”]Because its hard to reproduce im not sure anyone has filed a bug on this issue, but in many threads this type of behaviour has been referenced.[/quote]
I filed a specific bug report relating to changing settings within a scene, but have since found other issues.
From this bug report, it appears it wont be addressed within UI4.


As for hiding/unhiding stuff, it was available in UI2 and UI4 supports it in code, but not in accessible functionality. You could try to use @Timalls "Touchscreen for Windows" from this thread:
Perhaps a link to the Wiki that shows how to do the HTTP data request....I am not sure where it is but anyone can pull the information with their browser. My program will work as well if you have a PC running Windows.

Tim Alls

The commands would be:

http://ipaddress:3480/data_request?id=user_data&output_format=xml : 	Get user data from Vera in xml format
http://ipaddress:3480/data_request?id=user_data&output_format=jsn :     Get user data from Vera in JSON format

as decribed here: (more or less outdated)

This might be usefull but i havent tried myself

The files are not so human readable though, thats why i recommended the Touchscreen control @Timalls made.
It tucks all those entries nicely into sorted arrays etc.

I could only get the commands to work with IE bacause it gives the option to immediatly save the data.
Both Firefox 4 and the latest versions of Crome (11 & 12) returned errors and did not display the data

Thanks for the link…I never thought of testing the other Browsers! Good work. I will have to review my program for Browser compatabilty. Sounds like there are some issues.
By the way…If hidding and unhidding scenes works with no issues then I will throw a little program together to make it easy.