Smartwatch: Pebble

Hi All,

I saw the new Pebble smart watch with the dedicated App store.

Any idea to have remote control of vera? It would be great.

I saw that is possible to use iControl.


I use my Pebble in conjunction with Tasker, Pebble Tasker, and AutHomation HD (Android) to kick off scenes from my wrist. It’s context sensitive, so the easiest-to-reach options change depending whether I’m at home or away.

Hi ihgates, does it require your solution an android device?
Can you receive notification? can you control also your vera?

Thank you

Yes. These are all Android apps (Tasker, Pebble Tasker, and AuthomationHD). I imagine that there are similar solutions for iOS.

I get notifications to my watch for lots of things. For instance: when my garage door opens or one of my children disarms the security system.

Have you taken a look at Martian Watches? Way more elegant than the pebble, plus it has full voice control support of siri, and the android equivalent… you could use this alongside your phones voice control solution of choice

Or, maybe even something like the burg17/18 which runs android natively on the watch

Martian’s are attractive but lack the functionality and community of Pebble.

Also, Pebble’s new steel line is much more attractive. Made me finally take the plunge.

Yes, pebble seems to have the better UI, UX and SDK .

Now I should just find a way to see my Vera (with an iPhone) connected…


I was using the PebbleTasker solution on Android as well (with HomeBuddy). On IOS, I’ve started using SmartWatch+ which has the ability to send HTTP commands and I’m having it fire scenes with URLS like this:

The only downside vs HomeBuddy is that it’ll fail if I’m not connected to the network (HomeBuddy would route through mios servers)

[quote=“kd5ftn”]I was using the PebbleTasker solution on Android as well (with HomeBuddy). On IOS, I’ve started using SmartWatch+ which has the ability to send HTTP commands and I’m having it fire scenes with URLS like this:

The only downside vs HomeBuddy is that it’ll fail if I’m not connected to the network (HomeBuddy would route through mios servers)[/quote]

But if you use a link to mios (…) and you put your username and password in the link, then it should work also from external, no?

Then it is already a really cool first solution.

Looking for the first app for iOS/pebble…


Inviato dal mio iPad con Tapatalk HD

Does SmartWatch open URLs on the iPhone? If so, it could be made to interact with existing Vera remote apps as well, if those apps extend their URL scheme to allow for scene execution. For instance, the url veraapp://runscene=12 would kick off scene 12, and the app would take care of using a local connection or MiOS with user/pass.

I just release a Pebble App that you can download from the Pebble app store that they released last Monday.

Right now I just have Scene functionality. If there’s a lot of demands I’ll add in device support.

Feel free to check it out. (I can’t link to it, but just search for Vera Scenes and you should be able to find it without issue.)


[quote=“drewying, post:12, topic:178739”]I just release a Pebble App that you can download from the Pebble app store that they released last Monday.

Right now I just have Scene functionality. If there’s a lot of demands I’ll add in device support.

Feel free to check it out. (I can’t link to it, but just search for Vera Scenes and you should be able to find it without issue.)


That is great!
how does it work? should the user put his vera data in the app? which is the name of the app?

With devices will be additionally cool…

Thank you

Oh, very good. I just installed version 1.0.0 and it immediately found all of my Vera’s scenes.

I see that I can enter my MiOS credentials in the Pebble iPhone app. Even without these it works on my LAN.

Well done.

Out of curiosity, will this work on the Android version when it is released? I’ve been asked by several people to incorporate Pebble support into my app and I may consider it in the future. I will still need to pick up a Pebble watch.

Just an FYI, you may want to warn users that this will not work on UI6 as the authentication has changed on the MCV’s servers.

  • Garrett

Garrett, would love to see AuthomationHD having a Pebble Plugin! Right now, I am using Tasker and PebbleTasker to kick off scenes etc. via AuthomationHD, it kind of works. But a nice graphical representation of device status etc. on the Pebble would be awesome!

The Vera Scenes pebble app is great.
Devices would be useful, including thermostats.
Also, some organization to the scenes would be nice, by room, or filtered by favorites?


I would really like to support the Pebble. I still need to pick one up, just contemplating right now. Not sure how much wrist time the Pebble would get as my wrist is already spoken for with my current watch collection. I was thinking of picking up the new Pebble Steel. I also have other things on my plate that I need to finish with the current AutHomation. Sadly my time has been pretty limited lately. I wish there was more time in the day to play!

  • Garrett

It will work on Android for sure once the Pebble App store is released there.

I have an Easter Egg in the version I use that if you end a scene name with _HIDEME it won’t show up in the list. I’ll put that in the next version I submit, after I figure out the UI6 stuff.


See here about UI6 authentication:

  • Garrett