SmartSwitch Promotion

Hi All.

This is not really a setup or usage topic, but I didn’t know where else to put it.

On the recent SmartSwitch promotion by Micasaverde (where you got a free smartswitch if you bought a Vera 2), has anyone participated in this and did anyone receive their switch? Reason I’m asking is I purchased a Vera 2 on 2/28 (last day of promotion) and submitted the online form for the SmartSwitch. Here was the reply from Micasaverde:

“Thank you for your Vera purchase. Unfortunately, you do not qualify for a free SmartSwitch. Mi Casa Verde invited all Vera resellers to participate in the Free SmartSwitch promotion if they agreed to advertise the promotion on their homepage. Worthington Distribution did not participate in the promotion. We sincerely apologize for any confusion. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions”

Now I don’t want to turn this into a $^#& session, but want to see if others had any similar experience. There was no mention on thier site about having to buy from specific resellers (at least that I could find - correct me if I’m wrong), and I replied to them as such, but that’s been over a week and I’m not getting any replies, so I assume that nothing is going to change.

Again, sorry if this the wrnong place, just looking to see others experiences with this. Thanks.

I bought from on Feb 28
They did advertise the promotion on their site.
I was confirmed (?) by MCV that I should received the SmartSwitch within 4 weeks.
Who knows…


I ordered a Vera 2 through, partially because of the SmartSwitch promotion, on Feb 11th and received my SmartSwitch in a little over 2 weeks.

I wouldn’t pay the price they advertise on the site for this particular device, but for what I paid for it (free!) it was well worth the money…

Which doesn’t help the original poster I’m sure, but just reporting my experience for the record.

Mine was advertised as a Vera2 and (free) SmartSwitch combo on which I purchased Sept 14th 2010. The SmartSwitch comes through MCV, and after numerous emails to MCV (with no reply) it arrived in mid November.

Due to Worthington Distribution not wanting to participate in the promotion I dont see MCV giving you the SmartSwitch for free.
If I were you, I would email or PM Barry (Worthington Distribution is ASIHome) and see what he can do for you which is probably not much.


I got my free smart switch. it took less than two weeks to receive after filling out the online form. I bought my vera from smarthome based on this promotion, but i don’t remember seeing anything in micasa’s or smarthome’s web site about having to buy it from certain store.

OK. Thanks for the responses.

My beef is that the promotion wa advertised on Micas’s web site, but did not mention this deal they had with their vendors or that you had to buy it from a certain vendor. Heck, if I knew that I would have put down the correct vendor on the online form. (no proof of purchase was required, just the serial number).

Heck, if I knew that I would have put down the correct vendor on the online form. (no proof of purchase was required, just the serial number).
I think that you have a very good point and I don't see why MCV would not agree to it. It was not said on MCV web site that the SmartSwitch would be just given to those buying from some specific dealers ?

Go for it.


I sent my info during the 2nd week of the promotion and recieved my switch in less than 5 days. It came in a USPS box. I couldn’t believe it came that quickly. I ordered my vera from smarthome.

I bought 2 from ASI home in September last year and got 2 smartswitches - one about a month later and another about 2-3 weeks after that. I wasn’t aware that they had only certain distributors “in” on the promotion. I did have to follow up (via email) to see where the smart switches were, and they said they had sent one. I gave them my codes for both, and after a couple back and forths - they sent me my 2nd one.

Good luck!

My understanding is that this latest promotion was only for Feb 2011, there may have been previous promotions, but they were different. In order to participate as a dealer/vendor in this one, you had to accept MCV’s terms and post a promotional banner on your website. That’s all I can add, just for info.