
I’m running two instances of SiteSensor that have worked flawlessly for quite some time now. One queries my IP address and the other checks for internet connectivity. Neither are deal breakers if the fail, BUT… recently both seem to revert to DISARMED after a day or so. I have repeatedly set them back to ARMED only to find them disarmed the next day. I am 100% certain that there are no scenes, scripts or PLEG that are forcing this change but am at a loss as to why it has just recently started. I have not done any FW upgrades (running 1.7.3233 on a Vera Secure w UI7) and have a reasonably stable system with only a moderate number of Luup restarts. I seem to have sufficient memory available and low processor load over 1, 5 & 15 minute periods. Anyone else seen this or have any ideas? Rigpapa - is there anything I can provide to help determine the cause?

I have always been appreciative of the efforts a small number of talented developers have made to extended the capability and usefulness of this platform, so I am willing to help in any way possible. If this issue is isolated to just my system, hopefully someone can help me figure it out. If its more global, hopefully the combined efforts of multiple users can bring a quick resolution.

Thanks again to Rigpapa and the other developers who have invested so much time and effort to making this a better platform.

There’s been some discussion in another thread about house modes forcing arming and disarming of sensors, and a request to Vera for a “leave this one alone” feature.

If you want to make sure it stays armed, go into My Modes off the Dashboard, and set your SiteSensor sensor up so it’s armed in all modes, or at least Home mode, even if that’s the only mode you ever use/don’t use house modes. That will likely take care of it.

Or… turn off the SiteSensor’s “Query only when armed” checkbox.

Rigpapa, Thanks for the quick reply. So a check of the House Modes revealed that both were being turned off by mode changes. Oddly, I don’t recall ever changing these, and as I noted, they had worked flawlessly for months. It is completely possible that I inadvertently made the change but all other door/window sensors looked correct. There is also the “Wife quotient” and her sometimes impatient clicking. ::slight_smile: Hopefully this will get them back to their old, reliable state.

Thanks again for all your efforts, plug-ins and continued support.


I have one question regarding using not default port in Request URL.

I need to specify the port because there are other services running on single IP.

If I specify in Request URL as below “http://192.168.1.XXX:8000/GPIO/24/value”, query failed.

In case of “http://192.168.1.XXX/GPIO/24/value” query is succesfull but it queries different service.

[quote=“halo, post:4, topic:199708”]Hi,

I have one question regarding using not default port in Request URL.

I need to specify the port because there are other services running on single IP.

If I specify in Request URL as below “http://192.168.1.XXX:8000/GPIO/24/value”, query failed.

In case of “http://192.168.1.XXX/GPIO/24/value” query is succesfull but it queries different service.[/quote]

SiteSensor uses LuaSocket to handle the URL, so the plugin is not aware (and doesn’t need to be) of any non-default port specification, it just passes the URL through. Can you put the port spec back into your URL, turn on Request Logging, force a request by toggling the “arm” switch, and then post the logged request info here?