SIS mode

I performed reset with SIS option selected.
If I understand correctly, once SIS enabled there’s no need to replicate/copy network from primary controller to others - once secondary controllers added to the system SIS should take care of updating them.
It also makes every secondary controller an inclusion controller.

Is my understanding correct?
What is the right way to add secondary controllers then?

That is correct. The correct way is to go to Devices, choose ‘Add Z-Wave Controller’, and add the secondary controller. If it supports SIS, it should get any new devices you add to Vera. We’ve fixed almost all the known UI issues, so we’re testing Vera now with other controllers. That’s the next big thing we have to be sure is working properly. See:

Can you provide a simple explanation of what SIC, SUC and SUCIS (?) means. Thanks.

I got it to do sis with a Jasco Advanced remote.


It was not easy…
It takes a lot of time to update so be patient

Anyone have a list of SIS compatible remotes?

For those who appreciate knowing what acronyms like these actually stand for:

Static Update Controller (SUC)
SUC Identity Server (SIS)

[Excerpted from the Z-Wave protocol definitions]

See Section 5.1 of:

Digging up the old threads!!!

I figure old threads never actually die … they just wait for n00bs like me to come along!

i 2nd that!