SIS mode in latest version 1.0.426 is buggy

I have no problem with sis mode in ver 1.0.404 . When I upgraded to .426 and Reset the system SIS does not work.
The controller menu shows SIS= YES

I roll back the firmware to .404 and it works …

Can you try calling our support or clicking on the chat? This doesn’t make sense. The SIS replication stuff is handled in the firmware inside the dongle itself (Zensys’s code). It’s not in our code which we upgrade. The dongle’s firmware has never changed. So it seems odd that this would happen. But if you contact our support line, I’m sure we can get to the bottom of it.

This is weird.
I up-graded back to the latest firmware.
I reset the Zwave network and it did not take. Old devices still listed.
I did this three times and un-plugged the Vera.
I got it to go back to SIS with the Jasco remote after several resets.

Any advice as to why it is so troublesome to reset the network?

There was a bug related to resetting the network. This was fixed in the current release (487)

Thanks geat ;D