Siren sounds when motion sensors arm

Hello, as you’ll soon notice, I’m new to MCV…

My goal is to have a siren go off when motion is detected.

I’ve got a scene that says “if motion sensors A, B, C, etc are armed and motion is detected, then sound the siren”.

The challenge is that the siren goes off when I first arm the sensors – whether I do that with a scene (“Arm all motion sensors”) or I go into Night mode (which also arms the sensors).

For testing I’ve set a delayed action to turn the siren off after 2 seconds. So there’s a siren (that I don’t want) when I initially arm the sensors, but otherwise it works well (there’s a siren when motion is detected).

I’ve got nothing against leaving the sensors armed 24/7… So I tried saying “only run the siren scene while in Night mode.” However, switching into Night mode also makes the siren go off.

How can I eliminate the initial alarm when I arm the sensors or go into Night mode?

I’ve got VeraLite with 1.7.541 and ECOLINK PIR sensors (PIRZWAVE2-ECO).

Thank you for any ideas.

Are you using PLEG for this? If so a status report would help.

Hello, I had never heard of PLEG before now, so I’m probably not using it. After a quick search, it looks like maybe I should look into it. I was wondering if there was a way to customize a little more.

So far I’ve only worked through the Vera Dashboard at

You have a lot more control of whats happening with PLEG.

[quote=“CasaUser, post:3, topic:186499”]Hello, I had never heard of PLEG before now, so I’m probably not using it. After a quick search, it looks like maybe I should look into it. I was wondering if there was a way to customize a little more.

So far I’ve only worked through the Vera Dashboard at[/quote]

If you want more control than the dashboard, you have two options - custom Lua code, or PLEG. I would recommend PLEG, as it gives you a lot of flexibility without having to maintain your own code. And you can do almost anything with PLEG. But it takes time to learn. If you go that route, read the PLEG basics PDF and check out the examples sub-forum (under Programming, Plug-ins, Program Logic Plug-ins).

PLEG is a more advanced scene controller. You can only do the basics (which are easy in both PLEG and VERA UI) with the stock scene controller in VERA. Which some people out grow faster then others. But when you are unable to do the advanced scenes with the factory UI you stop using it all together and you install PLEG and use that from now on for all your scenes.

There is a PDF in this first post on the link below.,21603.0.html

It’s might take a bit to get the hang of but start with something easy and you’ll soon find you can do anything with it.

Thanks all, sounds like I need to give it a shot in PLEG. I installed it and will fiddle with things to get the hang of it.