Single Scene, Multiple Triggers, LUUP Per trigger - possible in UI7?

I have a just started trying to setup scenes on my VeraEdge and realize I like certain parts of the new scene creation and absolutely hate other parts of it.

The main question I have is whether or not it is possible to set LUUP per Trigger in a single scene. In UI5, this is completely possible and I have one scene with over 10 triggers on my VeraLite. Each trigger has its own LUUP code set, which is unique to that trigger. If it is possible, how do you do it?!


How is this possible in UI5? It would require PLEG or extensive Lua code pasted into the scene’s LUUP tab.

It is possible by using the lua code button for each trigger. I do this for my push notifications. Not sure how it’s done in UI7.

  • Garrett

UI5 - Has the option to insert LUA code at the Trigger Level and Scene Level.
This is quite flexible.
It allows trigger specific logic (in the context of multiple different triggers) followed by Scene specific logic.
Often using global’s to communicate between the two levels.

UI7 - Only has LUA code at the Scene Level.
This considerably weakens the use of LUA in many scene Scenarios.

This will drive more people towards PLEG.

Ported Scenes will continue to work … this is a UI limitation ONLY.

[quote=“garrettwp, post:3, topic:184760”]It is possible by using the lua code button for each trigger. I do this for my push notifications. Not sure how it’s done in UI7.

  • Garrett[/quote]

Exactly Garrett and that is one of the main use cases I have. I tried a few different scenarios in UI7 when creating scenes and cannot figure out a way to accomplish this. If they took this away, I am going to be disappointed. The amount of scenes on my controller is already big enough. Having to create that many more is going to be a royal pain.

[quote=“RichardTSchaefer, post:4, topic:184760”]UI5 - Has the option to insert LUA code at the Trigger Level and Scene Level.
This is quite flexible.
It allows trigger specific logic (in the context of multiple different triggers) followed by Scene specific logic.
Often using global’s to communicate between the two levels.

UI7 - Only has LUA code at the Scene Level.
This considerably weakens the use of LUA in many scene Scenarios.

This will drive more people towards PLEG.

Ported Scenes will continue to work … this is a UI limitation ONLY.[/quote]

I really do applaud the work you do Richard, but I enjoy the flexibility I have in writing the code myself. It is disappointing to hear that you have confirmed what I was concerned about. I will contact them to see if this is a feature that they may return.

If so, then surely the HTTP commands to build a scene will still function and it’s a simple hack to insert trigger code via that route?



I’ll give it a try and see. It seems like it could be a pain, but may be worth it. Thanks for the thought on this.

Hi all,

I added this bug on our list. It will be available in a feature release.

Best Regards,

  • Andrei -

Thank you!

[quote=“mcv.andrei, post:9, topic:184760”]Hi all,

I added this bug on our list. It will be available in a feature release.

Best Regards,

  • Andrei -[/quote]

Big thumbs up :slight_smile: