Single login to different services

Argh… i just went for the creation of my 4th or 5th MiOS account just to be able to

  1. Use remote login to my vera (
  2. Contribute to this forum (
  3. Be able to watch and if applicable to add to the MCV wiki (
  4. File an track bugs (
  5. Download code for my vera (

This is CRAZZYYYYYY… im one and the same person… No i dont mind to be validated as a human, no i dont mind my email to be validated… but i DO mind proving myself 10 times over, just to use the services of me VERA in all its forms.

Isnt there an option to create a single login for all services?
(i understand and agree with different levels of usersoptions)


It’s advisable to have separate accounts for 1. and 2.
And only a limited set of folks are interested in non-read-only access to 3., 4. and 5.

Probably not the first thing on MCV’s endless todo list to take care of?

[quote=“oTi@, post:2, topic:168333”]It’s advisable to have separate accounts for 1. and 2.
And only a limited set of folks are interested in non-read-only access to 3., 4. and 5.

Probably not the first thing on MCV’s endless todo list to take care of?[/quote]

for 1 and 2 seperates, related to security, YES absolutely!

3,4 and 5 could be integrated to a certain extent. Maybe for some even into 2

and yes I’m aware of would haves and should haves and the limitated recources of any company so yes also MCV.

Just addressing the issue here. No problem so far since my password is 4x * anywhere :wink: