Simple "Lights OFF" scene with trigger

Hi All, Newbie here with a simple question.
Looked at what manuals are available on-line but still can’t quite figure out the scene-trigger set-up.

I am trying to control 2 lights ( Evolve LRM-15 dimmers ) from a 3rd one.
The idea is when I turn off the entry light, the other 2 lights (living rm, kitchen) turn off as well.

For this I have created a scene called Leaving Home, made it “immediate”, in the device section chose the 2 lights I wish to turn off. Went into the Trigger section for the Leaving Home scene, selected the device to be Entry Light.
In the “what type of event” - I chose “a device is turned on or off”. name of this trigger : Departure, which mode :device is turned off.

I saved everything and … nothing!! If I turn off the entry light the others stay on.
What am I missing or not understanding of the trigger concept and assigning it to a scene.

UPDATE :: it does work BUT, can this be normal… 1 minute 19 seconds from the paddle press to the lights turning off ?
I have now create a scene that turns on the same lights and it too takes 1 minute 26 seconds ?
Is this typical response time for z-wave ? Ouch.
The scene is much faster when run from my laptop or phone.

thanks in advance for your help.

It sounds as though your Entry Light switch does not have instant-status reporting. Vera only gets the changed status when the next poll occurs. To get faster action, you would need to upgrade your switch.

As always @RexBeckett nails it.

The Evlove LRM-AS does not support Instant Status and thus does not immediately notify Vera when it is manually turned On or Off. Instead, Vera has to poll the LRM-AS to determine its state. The polling interval is around one minute by default. Unfortunately this means that your scene will not be triggered immediately and could take anywhere from a couple of seconds to over one minute to be triggered by the LRM-AS.

Most people’s immediate reaction to this news is to reduce the polling interval. Don’t bother, it won’t make the response time much better and can make your Z-Wave network fail due to the load of excessive polling.

In order to make this scenario work as you presently have it configured, you will need to replace the triggering LRM-AS with a dimmer that does support Instant Status. At the moment, that means Leviton or Cooper.

thanks guys.
I guess I will REALLY read the fine print before buying cheap ($50) dimmers instead of $90 ones. :frowning:



How far is Vera from the devices / it may work better if Vera is closer.

[quote=“danmovie, post:4, topic:180959”]thanks guys.
I guess I will REALLY read the fine print before buying cheap ($50) dimmers instead of $90 ones. :([/quote]


My dad used to say “more is more and better is better.” I never really understood what he meant until I got involved with HA.

Polling interval can be significant reduced on some devices if there are corresponding increase on other devices. I found that running my network at default polling created a much busier network than was necessary. Although for the OPs use I doubt even improved polling would ever be satisfactory.

Another option the OP may of had was to use a evolve/linear scene controller with corresponding associated dimmers. Three linear devices for less than $120 U.S.

For me the budget difference between Linear and Leviton switches is about $1600. I might still use Leviton if the VRMX1 was a well designed dimmer, and if the leviton multi-button scene controllers reliably performed as spec’d.

With a $3K lighting control budget I can have Linear switches and ipad controllers at key points. With android I could get even more control points for the money. Option 2 is no ipads but Leviton dimmers I don’t like, with a few Leviton scene controllers that have strange behavior.

Further favoring an ipad/android centric design is Hue and wifi controlled lighting.

By default the pressure put on the Z-Wave network by the autonomous polling cycle is static, in the sense that Vera will poll a device (that is eligible for polling) every 30 seconds; then 30 seconds later another one, and so on. Which device gets polled, and thus the effective polling rate for a single device, depends on the number of eligible devices in the network and the configured minimum poll interval per device.