Show IP address Device

Got a new router this weekend- when I installed it my ISP assigned it a new dynamic IP address. Tried to WOL one of my home computers this morning from work and couldn’t find my router. Duhh… forgot to record my new home IP address! Of course Mios could still find Vera- but it doesn’t show it’s IP address as far as I could tell.
So, I setup a generic webcam device and linked it to danasoft’s website that shows your IP address in a small jpg box. Instant IP address finder…

Mine changed recently and I was thinking the same thing that there should be a way throguh Vera to find out what it is…
This worked out perfectly!! :smiley:

Thank you for sharing it.


[quote=“JOD, post:2, topic:168423”]Mine changed recently and I was thinking the same thing that there should be a way throguh Vera to find out what it is…
This worked out perfectly!! :smiley:

Thank you for sharing it.


Are we talking external IP here?

[quote=“Henk, post:3, topic:168423”][quote=“JOD, post:2, topic:168423”]Mine changed recently and I was thinking the same thing that there should be a way throguh Vera to find out what it is…
This worked out perfectly!! :smiley:

Thank you for sharing it.


Are we talking external IP here?[/quote]
… yes.

That’s how I read it; the OP was looking to access his/her router from work.

Interesting alternative to a dynamic DNS service.

That’s how I read it; the OP was looking to access his/her router from work.

Interesting alternative to a dynamic DNS service.[/quote]

Dynamic routing account check would indeed have been my suggestion…

Just wanted a quick and easy way to find my home’s IP address this morning from work and had very limited options since I wasn’t at home and wouldn’t have access to my new home IP address till I get home tonight.

Nice thing with this method is- you can set it up instantly and execute it from anywhere outside your home, and you need no knowledge of your current home IP address to set it up.

This simple method seems to fit into my KISS criteria too ;D

[quote=“robinnes, post:7, topic:168423”]Just wanted a quick and easy way to find my home IP address without creating another account somewhere and had very limited options since I wasn’t at home and didn’t have access to my new home IP address till I get home tonight.

Nice thing with this method is- you can set it up and execute it from anywhere outside your home, and you need no knowledge of your current home IP address.

This simple method seems to fit into my KISS criteria too ;D[/quote]

Very true! could you post a screenshot (blocking out your personal info like IP?)

[quote=“Henk, post:8, topic:168423”][quote=“robinnes, post:7, topic:168423”]Just wanted a quick and easy way to find my home IP address without creating another account somewhere and had very limited options since I wasn’t at home and didn’t have access to my new home IP address till I get home tonight.

Nice thing with this method is- you can set it up and execute it from anywhere outside your home, and you need no knowledge of your current home IP address.

This simple method seems to fit into my KISS criteria too ;D[/quote]

Very true! could you post a screenshot (blocking out your personal info like IP?)[/quote]
You should be able to see my attachment screenshots in my first post?

Yup… after taking a second and a third look and asking myself why i overlooked that the first 2 times…

;D I like it. Who’d a thunk there’s a site that returns a .jpg like that… Nice alternate use of the Camera device. (Reminded me of the Squeezebox ‘camera’ to display cover art.)

;D I like it. Who’d a thunk there’s a site that returns a .jpg like that… Nice alternate use of the Camera device. (Reminded me of the Squeezebox ‘camera’ to display cover art.)[/quote]
Necessity really is the mother of invention!

Great idea, I never thought of doing this. They use a JPG so scripts can’t read them. This helps reduce the abuse when people write software that uses danasoft and others for a WAN IP finder.

MyWANIP and a few others also use a JPG or PNG method to display the IP

Works great and something I really needed…thank you.

This sounded exactly like what I wanted, since Dyndns is apparently now a pay service and I don’t want to have to leave a PC running all the time when I’m away from my home anyway.

Unfortunately, it didn’t work for me. I can log in to and see the jpg you’re talking about, but when I configure a camera in UI4 using exactly the same values in the OP, it just goes “Trying to get image from camera” but never does. Does this hack still work?

Yep, appears so.

Well that’s odd. I tried viewing it from the Add Camera Wizard and over there it worked fine. Then I went back to the Dashboard and clicked on the little wrench icon for the pseudo-camera and now it’s working OK there too. So I’m a happy camper.

Many thanks to robinnes - this is a very clever idea. I’ve got other non-Vera devices on my LAN and now I don’t have to worry about losing my IP if it changes while I’m away from home.

Just came across this problem. I used in the developers window Test Luup Code:

local status, ip = luup.inet.wget("", 10)
luup.task(ip, 2,"ExternalIP", -1)

That’s very cool @utz.


This is a super easy one!

From the outside world, just take remote control of your PC using a free version of LOGMEIN. Its a direct competitor to GotoMyPC except its free. From the outside world, you can ALWAYS find your home desktop or laptop using LOGMEIN.

Once you are controlling your home PC, just bring up your web browser and hit a website called

Actually, you don’t even have to take control of your PC. Just bringing up LOGMEIN.COM on your remote PC will show you a list of all of your controllable computers and their current IP addresses.

Couldn’t be easier!

An account with DYNDNS.ORG would fix all these problems in the future!