Setting User Association - Fibaro Smoke Sensor 2 (FGSD-002)

In my Vera Lite i wanted to set associations to my Fibaro Smoke Sensor 2, to let my lights blink and open my roller shutters in case of a fire alarm.

In the manual there are 5 groups possible:

  • 1 Lifeline (only 1 for main controller)
  • 2 Fire alarm (basic set control commands)
  • 3 Tamper (notification report)
  • 4 Fire alarm (alarm sensor report)
  • 5 Tamper (alarm sensor report)

However, when setting the ‘user associations’, my Vera keeps giving errors:

(Red exclamation mark) Setting user association

My settings are:

  • Automatically configure: Yes
  • Associations group ID: 4
  • Setting association with device 3 (Fibaro dimmer 2, no endpoint defined (textbox empty when setting user configuration).

When setting the associations the status changes to: “waiting for wakeup to configure device”.
If i force wakeup by pressing the B-button on the Smoke Sensor 3 times, the status changes to “puring user associations”, but ending with the error as stated above.

The device is within a meter of the controller (next to it to prevent it being a range issue), so that’s not the problem.

Anyone managed to set the user associations succesfully on a Vera Lite with the Fibaro Smoke Sensor 2?

Hi, I do not have a direct answer to your question…

Thinking out loud… vera lite is not zwave plus, the fibaro is. It might be you can only configure secure classes?
I have the v2 sensors as well, with my vera edge. I have issues as well, but not yours. If I have issues however (most of the time after replacing the battery) the only resloution is to exclude and include again. Have you already tried that? Doing association after fresh inclusion?

[quote=“Sender, post:2, topic:194998”]Hi, I do not have a direct answer to your question…

Thinking out loud… vera lite is not zwave plus, the fibaro is. It might be you can only configure secure classes?
I have the v2 sensors as well, with my vera edge. I have issues as well, but not yours. If I have issues however (most of the time after replacing the battery) the only resloution is to exclude and include again. Have you already tried that? Doing association after fresh inclusion?[/quote]

I will try that! However, seeing the messages and errors given my Vera, it handles the secure classes correctly, other variables can be programmed correctly, so i don’t think that is the problem.

I think you want 2 not group 4, to do what you want.
VeraLite doesn’t support z-wave+ security so you shouldn’t be getting a secure/in-secure miss-match, and you usually don’t get an error in those cases the association sets fine, and then just doesn’t work. The fact that you are getting an error is another problem. I would exclude re-include the smoke and try group 2.

[quote=“shallowearth, post:4, topic:194998”]I think you want 2 not group 4, to do what you want.
VeraLite doesn’t support z-wave+ security so you shouldn’t be getting a secure/in-secure miss-match, and you usually don’t get an error in those cases the association sets fine, and then just doesn’t work. The fact that you are getting an error is another problem. I would exclude re-include the smoke and try group 2.[/quote]

just my thoughts: I think the difference between the group 2 and 4 is how the smoke sensor communicates with the dimmer. They should both be able to handle the alarm report. The behaviour of the dimmer 2 will be different in group 2 than in group 4 (gorup 2: basic on/off, group 4: blinking load).

I don’t see how z-wave+ or regular z-wave should make any difference in setting associations.

That way the associations would be useless on any non z-wave+ controller. I don’t think fibaro will make any product that won’t be supported by their own (non-zwave+) controllers, as they don’t have a z-wave+ controller at the moment.

Besides; setting the user associations do work on the dimmers (dimmer to dimmer), so it’s a smoke sensor only problem.

I will try to re-include and report my findings.

We already have multiple examples of direct association not working between secure z-wave+ devices and normal z-wave, (you are correct in that the controller is not the issue, it Is a device to device issue) that I have helped folks debug. If the Plus device is the controlling node, You either have to include the plus device in unsecure mode, or turn off encryption for the direct association group. Implementation varies by device. Otherwise the association will succeed but the target devices that are unsecure won’t actually respond. If all devices are Plus and secure you are fine. The reverse might also be true, trying to have a non secure device target a secure device, but I can’t remember any exact cases of that and seems less likely to be a problem, but It could be for the Plus device if it is only expecting encrypted commands.

Controllers that don’t support Plus, will include them as nonsecure devices.

Just to report my findings:
I attempted to add associations to group 2, this succeeded on just one smoke sensor. The other two keep saying “waiting for wakeup to configure device”. This drained my battery on the two smoke sensors so badly that I had to replace them within one year, so be warned.

I excluded and included the devices and replaced the batteries. They still face battery low, but work now again (no more 5% per day drain).

I will try to set the user association later on only group 2, but keeping the smoke sensor close to the vera helps.

For now no user associations for me…