Setting a specific load level at a specific time. Qubino flush dimmer

Im trying to set some of my dimmers to start at a specific level depending on what time it is.
Usually I would use a motion sensor to trigger this, I’ve done that with some lights and that works fine. But for a couple of my rooms that still doesn’t have sensors, I wish to be able to specify a lower dim level at night.
I’m using PLEG and have tried with a Trigger and a Schedule. I have used SetLoadLevelTarget, SetOnEffectLevel, SetOnEffect. Haven’t hit the spot yet. Am I even close and is this possible?
Maybe I need to change the Device options so the dimmer doesn’t save the level its at when its turned off?

Best regards,

You sound pretty close. Using a scheduled scene or PLEG you can SetLoadLevelTarget to any percentage dim level you choose. You may choose to ask on the PLEG subforum with a copy of your PLEG report.

If your goal is to have some other event trigger the light and then choose which dim level based on time, you’ll need PLEG or Lua.

Ok great. So its the SetLoadLevelTarget that I’m supposed to choose?
I’m not looking for anything advanced, only want my light in the downstairs toilet to turn on at 30% after ten o’clock at night.
So far the dimmer seems to start at the level they where when I turned it off.

Create a scheduled scene that turns the light on 30% at 10:00.

If need be, go to the scene’s advanced tab and edit the SetLoadLevelTarget that should already be there.

Sorry, I was a bit unclear. I want it to turn on at about 30% if i turn on the light any time between 10PM and 6AM. My son wakes up for food in the middle of the night and I dont want to get blinded when I fumble in to the toilet =)

I can add that the PLEG action I created with 1 Trigger and 1 Schedule works if I press the “Do it now” button in PLEG. Not if I press the button to the dimmer thou.

I use PLEG for all of my night lights … If I get up and wonder to the bathroom the lights are on low … enough to see … but not get blinded.
Very easy to do …

Either have two different conditions, one for night and one for day …
Or using the advanced tab in your actions, use an expression for the value of dimmer

i.e. instead of settings the dimmer at 100 all the time use:

{(Night ? 30 : 100)}

Where Night is an input schedule or Day Or Night trigger …

Not really sure where to put this {(Night ? 30 : 100)}
Under the advanced tab there’s nowhere to put in code like this. Tried to do it in the LUA tab but that didnt bite.

Anyway, seems like I got it to work with a trigger for the ON command for the dimmer and a schedule. Pretty much what I did in the beginning but not sure why it didn’t work then.

[quote=“nortish, post:7, topic:189124”]Anyway, seems like I got it to work with a trigger for the ON command for the dimmer and a schedule. Pretty much what I did in the beginning but not sure why it didn’t work then.[/quote]At the time of your testing, you were probably within the scheduled window. The schedule took no part in your scene, but it seemed to work because of when you tested it. I expect that it will fail to work properly if tested outside of the scheduled time.

The reason for this is that Vera scenes can only evaluate OR conditions. Schedule OR trigger. It cannot evaluate AND conditions such as schedule AND trigger, unless you do it in Lua code.

The PLEG plugin can handle AND conditions and a lot more.

Not really sure where to put this {(Night ? 30 : 100)} Under the advanced tab there's nowhere to put in code like this.
This is placed in a PLEG action's advanced tab in the NewLoadLevelTarget field.

As @RichardTSchaefer stated you use the input schedule name. e.g. {(MyNightSched ? 30 : 100)} This means that when the condition specified in the PLEG for turning On the light are satisfied and PLEG runs the action, turn the light On but; IF MyNightSched is true then NewLoadLevelTarget = 30% ELSE 100%