I just got my vera and so far I’m pretty happy with it (easy setup, configuration, nice webpage, z-wave not always responding though) - good job!
I’ve been looking at the Data Provider Catalog Plugin wiki page and would like to know if/where I could find more information concerning the different possible types of request that can be done. Basically, is there a list somewhere with all the different data_request that can be pushed down to vera?
For example, http://YOUR_IP:3451/data_request?id=alldata&output_format=json works fine but where could I have found that this was the http request to send to get all that information?
If I’d want to control one z-wave device for example, what would be the expected command? Is there an SDK describing all this somewhere?
There’s not a lot of data requests. 99% of what you do, including controlling devices, uses messagesend. The message id’s are the same as with linuxmce. ie on/off is 192/193, etc. There’s a lot of documentation in the linuxmce wiki. You can also telnet/ssh into vera and tail -f /var/log/cmh/DCERouter.log and then you’ll see all the commands going to/from devices and can use the same commands on port 3451.
Thanks for the info, I will check out the linuxmce wiki …
I didn’t know I could ssh onto the box as well, this is nice. Unfortunately, I’m getting a permission denied when trying to login (invalid password).
On my system:
$>ssh myVeraUsername@myVeraBoxIP
and if I look into vera’s syslog, I get the following :
Nov 10 19:57:52 HomeControl authpriv.info dropbear[2042]: Child connection from
Nov 10 19:58:09 HomeControl authpriv.warn dropbear[2042]: login attempt for nonexistent user from
Do I need to login as root or with a special port#? Is there a default password or the username/password I’m using when connecting via findvera.com is expected work?
I think you need to login as root. I set my root password by going into the Advanced → Net & wi-fi and clicking on the “Advanced configuration” link. The first time entering the link it prompt me to setup a password for root.
Can anybody give me a hint, to speed things up here, how to send a proprietary set command to a Zwave device as i have developed a new application to send a small text string to. I know that maximum payload text size is 47 chars. Am very new and trying to understand how to use Data Provider Catalog Plugin. But perhaps i can go faster by asking this question…
Thanks for doing so by the way! I’m now able to gather my entire vera setup topology (sections, rooms, devices, scenes, …) and with template_data.json I have the defines I was looking for …
Is there a restriction on the shared keys? ??? (my key is ssh-2 RSA 2048)
I’ve loaded my public key in .ssh/authorized_keys, but when logging in it rejects the key and asks for my password (i.s.o. the passphrase of the key)?!
[quote=“gadgetChris, post:11, topic:164090”]Is there a restriction on the shared keys? ??? (my key is ssh-2 RSA 2048)
I’ve loaded my public key in .ssh/authorized_keys, but when logging in it rejects the key and asks for my password (i.s.o. the passphrase of the key)?!
HF, Chris[/quote]
There is no key authentication on the box. First you’ll have to telnet into the box (user root, no password) then if you’ll want to enable ssh access you’ll have to set a root password using passwd command. In this way telnet will be disable and you could access your box through ssh using user: root and the password that you’ve setup.
I don’t know what I am doing wrong, but I am unable to telnet into Vera. I do it from a Dos prompt. I can ping vera, but “telnet” gives me a
“Connecting To…Could not open connection to the host, on port 23: Connect failed”