Send tv channel as {(yourexpression)} fails

So, what I’m trying to do is a bit cluncy, but the basics work. Hear me out.

When I say to my Google Home “turn on the TV and turn on channel #” (where # is a number) then IFTTT will send a webhook to the Join API (Join is a Tasker plugin, see [url=][/url]). A Tasker profile on my phone will react to this and will sent via Autovera a serie of commands to Vera, which should result in my tv being turned on by the My Harmony plugin (works as a charm) and the tv channel being set to the number which was set in the Google Home command. This last step fails and I can’t see why.

The tv channel number is correctly being set via Autovera in a Multistring Vcontainer. PLEG gets this variable via the device property ‘TVCHANNEL’. And lastly I run the logic action ‘SetTVChannel’ in which the Harmony device sets the right tv channel via the ‘SendDeviceCommand’ with the {(your expression)} statement {(TVCHANNEL)}. And then…nothing.

The weird part is that when I manually run the logic action ‘SetTVChannel’, with the SendDeviceCommand manually set to a number instead of {(TVCHANNEL)} it works fine.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated. I attached my PLEG status report.

Thanks in advance!
