Send notifications when one of the sensor is opened at certain timeframe

How do I setup VeraAlerts to notify me when a certain sensor is opened at certain timeframe?

I.E. I would like to receive push notifications when certain window is still opened between 10pm-7am.

New Z-wave user here, please help.

You need some external logic … Many use PLEG (I am the author of both PLEG and Vera Alerts)

In PLEG … you define your logic Condition … an Example would be

Sensor - When some sensor is true

NotifySensor Sensor AND !(7:00:00; Sensor; 22:00:00)

Then you would put a notification on the PLEG for when NotifySensor was satisfied.

NOTE 1: The second part !(7:00:00; Sensor; 22:00:00) is the same as:
NOT (7:00:00; Sensor; 22:00:00)
This is also referred to as a sequence expression.
NOTE 2: (7:00:00; Sensor; 22:00:00) is true if sensor becomes true between 7AM and 10PM
Since we have a NOT in front of it, the NOTE1 expression will be true when sensor becomes true between 10PM and 7 AM

Write a scene that arms the window sensor at the start time you want and disarms it at the time you want notifications to stop (two scenes, really). Then set another scene that triggers on the sensor being opened / closed AND being armed and set yourself to be notified when it runs.