Send Alert when a sensor hasnt contacted Vera for X minutes

Hi guys,

Im sure this may have been asked before, but is there a way to send an alert if a sensor hasnt contacted/updated Vera for a defined period.

Eg: i have a temp sensor which should report the temp at least every 5mins. Vera stores the epoch time of the “LastUpdate”
so i guess some rule needs to be created to do the math and fire alert if needed.

As id be wanting to do this for several (all?) sensors im thinking it would need to be a pretty generic script/function…so would you do this in Startup LUA or PLEG??


so would you do this in Startup LUA or PLEG??

PLEG offers several approaches. You could have LastUpdate as a Device Property. Whenever it changes, start a SelfReTrigger timer (Schedule) for X minutes. If the timer ends, fire the alert.

You could also just have a scene run every few minutes and check the LastUpdate variable for each of your sensors - fire the alert if it is more than X minutes earlier than the current time.

Thanks for your reply Rex. I’ll have a go at this.