Selling house with VeraLite. Transfer registration to new homeowner?

I have two homes with a VeraLite controller in both homes. They are both registered under my e-mail address logon, and when I logon I can choose whice VeraLite to control.

I’m selling one of the homes and including the Z-Wave devices and the VeraLite controller.

How can disassociate/unregister the VeraLite controller and transfer it to the new homeowner without losing any of the programming settings and associations with the Z-Wave devices in the house? I don’t want this to affect my other remaining home with a VeraLite which is under the same login.

First do a backup.

Running the following URL form a browser on the local network should remove Vera from your account.

The new owner can then add Vera to their own account.

If the sold Veralite runs UI7 you can also unregister it via the portal.

It is running UI7, and I see that Unassign button after logging in. Will this also erase all the device associations and programming settings? IOW, if I Unassign it from myself, then the new homeowner registers for an account and assigns the VeraLite to their account, will they have all the same device associations and settings when it was mine?

All devices hooked up to the Vera and scenes are local to the Vera so un-assigning it from yourself should not affect any of those. At most it will affect any notifications used as they go to your user ID and you will no longer own that Vera. The new owner will have to redo any notifications used to go to the user ID of his/her choosing.

Of course if you have both Vera’s bridged than all bets are off but as you stated 2 different houses I’m assuming that is not the case.

To be 100% sure, you’d have to ask this question of Vera support though.