Selecting actions

Ok… just finally starting to play with this! Dumb question of the day… I’m not really well versed on how to assign a UPNP action to an action, etc. how do I know what does what, and then what state to give it (e.g. a 1 or 2)

Does this help?

[quote=“akbooer, post:2, topic:192860”]Does this help?[/quote]

Yep… thanks. Getting me there. i got a dimmer to work, but still can’t seem to make a switch (lamp module) go on AND off. Here’s what I’ve done:

Selected multi-state device
in the properties page:
Made the device the lamp module
that auto-populated the associatedNum
Value On and Vlaue OFF i left blank
but labeled them ON and OFF
Action to switch OFF - SetTarget
NewTargetValue - 0
Action to switch ON - SetTarget
NewTargetValue - 1

i can only get it to turn on, and the state of the icon and label does not change?

your page helped me a bunch, but doesn’t talk about what the target values can be?

I assume ( this is not really clear ) that you are trying to configure a multistate switch in a custom user page.
please post a screen shot of your property dialog

here is mine for instance

[quote=“amg0, post:4, topic:192860”]I assume ( this is not really clear ) that you are trying to configure a multistate switch in a custom user page.
please post a screen shot of your property dialog

here is mine for instance[/quote]

that did it. i had just accepted the default variable that came up when i chose the lamp module device. it was

So, looking at the link akbooer sent me, i need to use the ServiceID for my choice under variable, and then used the action i want.

think i’m getting there… thanks guys.