security in new home before moving in

i’m going to be moving across the country in a few months, but will be closing on the house a time prior to being able to actually move in fully…as such, i’m going to be setting up an alarm system and a few burglar deterrents for the new home until i get there (and to be used after i get there permanently too, of course).

i get the idea of using scenes on vera to turn lights on / off, etc, to make it appear as if someone is home…can these be done randomly? for example, can i have it set to turn lights on randomly at some time after sunset, and then turn them off at sunrise?

sorry if this has already been asked, i searched a few times and couldn’t find anything…

There is a app called virtual ghost that is designed to do exactly that. There a few other apps as well which can achieve the same and even using scene with timer and randomising the time they run

vacation ghost seems to have pretty bad reviews, though…

The developer was away for a while and did not update the plugin. He is back and new updates are flowing. I have used VG for several months now and it is working well for me at least.