Schlage pin activates lights


I am working on configuring my first Vera2 zwave system. I currently have a schlage lock and four MiCasa smart switches to control lights in the house. Everything works - on-off, text messages when schlage pin is entered etc.

My only problem so far is that I would like to create a scene that will turn on all of the lights for 30 minutes and then return to the previous setting. I have tried several times to create a basic scene that will turn just turn the lights on when the schlage pin is entered and that never works. In my test scene I have all of the lamps set to turn on under the commands tab and under events I have the schlage lock selected with “when a door is opened or closed” with the mode set to open. I have also tried “a pin code is entered”. Should this work or am I way off? Is this task something I need to use the Luup tab? I wouldnt know where to start with that.


I have mine set up to turn on the lights if a certain pin is entered and it works with only a small delay of maybe 3 seconds. I’m pretty sure you would have to code things if you wanted it to go back to previous settings after a specified time though.

Under commands did you click the little check box for the lights you want to come on? For events when it comes to the open and closed thing it may be backward. I haven’t tried it but I know in logs when the door is locked it shows open. The pin code thing should work though and should be the fastest way to get the lights on since it starts to compute it before you open the door.

Why not change the scene to “When PIN Code is Entered”. In some cases the door unlock trigger is not consistently working (check other threads) on some of the schlage locks (at least from what I have read). I will try setting up a scene to do what you want later and see how it works for me and post back.

I do something similar to this at present. I use the condition “when a valid PIN code is entered”. I turn on the lights inside the garage since it is a garage entry door and I turn on the light just inside the house door. After five minutes, I have them turn off. There is sometimes a short delay, but it is rare that I can get two or three steps into the garage without the scene firing. I also have at the present a non-Z-Wave motion light outside that kicks on when someone approaches. Eventually, when there is a suitable outdoor motion device, I plan to change that out.

OK tested this out also, and if you use “A PIN Code is entered”, the light comes on for me within a second or two, and if I set the Condition for a set time (i.e. 5 minutes) and the “Go back to previous settings” it works fine.

Thanks everyone for testing this out! I got it working. Only issue now is that it seems that turning off the lights after x minutes works one time… Then the next they stay on. Weird!
Is there a troubleshooting log for these kind of things? Whether a command was sent to a light or not?


I must be missing something…Where did you go to set the condition for a set time?


I must be missing something…Where did you go to set the condition for a set time?

Within scene setup, the lock is the event, under the commands tab, pick the device, action, set the timer function and then the action after the timer expires.


Thanks for the help! I got it working!

Is anyone else having a problem where the scene won’t be triggered if the lever lock is opened/unlocked from the outside (via a PIN)?

Using the “A Door is Opened” event to trigger a Light to turn on with “return luup.is_night()” allows the scene to run if it is night and the light needs to be on.

This does work from the inside when you manually unlock the door or unlock the door through Vera’s GUI however it does not work if someone enters a PIN to Open/Unlock the lever lock from the outside which is what I need. I have been unable to get the “A PIN Code is entered” event to function at all and I ditched that idea after reading about so many other ppl having the same problem.

I was having trouble at first using the “A PIN Code is entered” method. Where it asks “Which PIN code number?” I was putting the pin code that I would enter at the keypad. But I was supposed to put the PIN code #. Also I was having trouble using “return luup.is_night()” So I ended up using the code below, and everything works fine now.

if ( luup.is_night() ) then
return true
return false


You’re awesome, thank you. The whole Pin Code thing was my problem, they should have been more clear on what information that they were looking for. I too was trying to use the actual PIN Code that I enter in at the keypad and not the Pin Code #NUMBER that Vera assigns to the Pins. Stupid me!!! lol. Thanks, mann.

Not a problem man, I was going crazy trying to figure it out! Glad I could help!

[quote=“iflym3, post:12, topic:167439”]@kyle4269

You’re awesome, thank you. The whole Pin Code thing was my problem, they should have been more clear on what information that they were looking for. I too was trying to use the actual PIN Code that I enter in at the keypad and not the Pin Code #NUMBER that Vera assigns to the Pins. Stupid me!!! lol. Thanks, mann.[/quote]

Hi –

Perhaps someone could make to distinction clearer for me. The Schlage locks come with an assigned PIN code it that what we’re talking about or is it the sequential pin code number (i.e., 1, 2, 3, 4, etc) that Vera assigns to the lock. Would appreciate a clarification… Thanks

The sequence number. The actual PIN code stays in the lock.

[quote=“JOD, post:8, topic:167439”]Within scene setup, the lock is the event, under the commands tab, pick the device, action, set the timer function and then the action after the timer expires.


I’'m trying to get this to work but I’m not completely understanding your instructions. Under the commands that I have my light selected, set level to 50% and leave it. Under the events tab I created a new event called Nighttime Entry, the device is the Schlage lock, the trigger is a pin code is entered and any code. On the timer tab I created a timer for every day of the week and after sunset. On the advanced tab I selected if ANY light in the scene is turned off. I can’t seem to understand clearly what you meant by “action, set the timer function and then the action after the timer function”. I see no action options.

if i understand your description correctly your scene will turn on your light to 50% and stay on every day at sunset (or offset by the time you put in for after), the place to put in the delayed action is with the command so ex: lightx>turn on 50%>then after 5 min>off. Any trigger in that scene will cause the commands to run, the timer will merely trigger whatever is in commands, it is not used to dictate what time of day the scene will be active, so it would trigger the commands even if the lock condition you described in events didnt occur, there are ways to restrict scene to certain hours or light levels (by sensor) but others can speak to that better than I

I can't seem to understand clearly what you meant by "action, set the timer function and then the action after the timer function". I see no action options.
The action would differ depending on the device chosen, so I didn't say On or Off as the action could be open, close or heat / cool etc. After the timer expires you have another choice of actions, go back to previous settings, on, off, etc.


OK I think I’ve got it now. I have managed to get it set up so it turns on for a couple minutes after I enter a valid pin. So you’re telling me that there is no way to use the built in sense of day/night in Vera to do this? What about the LUUP codes spoken of earlier in the thread?

Thanks for all the help guys. Only 2 days with Vera so far and I’m absolutely loving it.

If you only want the light to turn on when the code is entered remove the timer function. If you want the light to turn on at a set time regardless of the pin being entered add the timer function.
If you want the light to turn on when the pin is entered and only when it is night add: return luup.is_night() into the Luup tab and hit save lua. Then save.
If only turn on during the day then add: return luup.is_day()