Scheduling of pin code availability for Schlage lock

I have a Schlage lever lock connected to my network. The lock has the ability to restrict the use of pin codes to certain days / times. However, Vera UI4 doesn’t seem to be able to control this functionality. Another forum post stated that UI2 did have this functionality. Is there any way to get this going again?

It’s a known / reported issue. See link below.


I am getting ready to order a couple dozen v2’s for a project and need this ability, MCV, is this getting any kind of priority?

I seem to remember that they said it would fixed in the next version… that was of course a while back before the MCV team all got abducted by aliens! edit …Thats the little green extra terrestrial kind in case of confusion!

what kind of deployment are you doing … You may be waiting until after CES in January!

Ok, thanks for the update guys. I guess I’ll have to wait.

@ scotthay,
Have you considered the Kwikset ones as this is currently working already… Its actually the inclusion of this feature on the Kwikset locks that broke it for the Schlage!

I already have 16 Schlage Links installed for this project, so I am sticking with them.

A little birdie told me 11/10/10 may bring this update.


Sorry, didn’t see your message until now.

Project is a resort with roughly 40 units spread out over 20 buildings.

Have had 4 buildings containing some 15 units running for close to a year now with only a handful of issues really (and a huge learning curve).

Only controlling locks right now. Next is thermostats and maybe some door contacts, temp. sensors, cameras.

what kind of deployment are you doing … You may be waiting until after CES in January![/quote]