Scene triggers when it shouldn't

I have 3 lights setup in automation scheduled to come on at dusk and go off at 11:45pm. This has been working fine for several years. But over the past few months I have noticed on many mornings, the lights will trigger on. We travel a lot so that really runs up our electric bill since I am not home to turn them off. Here is the what I copy and pasted from the schedule and trigger tabs this morning when it did it. What could be causing it and how can I fix it?

Copy and Paste:
Last nights normal run

Name for this schedule:
turn on lights Last run: 01/09/2015 17:18:08 Enabled:

Name for this schedule: Turn lights off Last run: 01/09/2015 23:45:01

This mornings (8:26AM) Trigger that turned them on when they shouldn’t have:


Trigger: Living Room lights On Last run: 01/10/2015 08:26:40 Enabled:
Trigger: Dinning Nook Light On Last run: 01/10/2015 08:26:36 Enabled:
Trigger: Office light On Last run: 01/10/2015 08:26:33 Enabled:


What could be causing it and how can I fix it?

Have a look in LuaUPnP.log at around 08:26. There should be some sign there as to what caused the triggers.

What is the definition and action of the triggers named Living Room lights On, Dinning Nook Light On and Office light On?