Scene Clock time not synced with Vera Lite Time

This one is very strange and I have not seen it before but the other day my Vera Lite went buggy after adding a few light switches. After hours of research, inclusions and exclusions I decided to reset Vera to factory default and added all my devices again with success. However when I create scenes, the scene time to run is off. For example I have security lights around my property that come on with a motion sensor. I set the motion sensor to arm at sunset. The time given to the schedule shows 13:01. Sunrise time shows as midnight. I live in central time so I have my Vera set to Chicago for time zone.

If I do an absolute time it works fine but I don’t want to manage this all year. When I did my factory reset, I excluded all devices before I did the reset.

Anyone run into this before or know a setting that I may be missing?

[quote=“BrewFixer, post:1, topic:187524”]This one is very strange and I have not seen it before but the other day my Vera Lite went buggy after adding a few light switches. After hours of research, inclusions and exclusions I decided to reset Vera to factory default and added all my devices again with success. However when I create scenes, the scene time to run is off. For example I have security lights around my property that come on with a motion sensor. I set the motion sensor to arm at sunset. The time given to the schedule shows 13:01. Sunrise time shows as midnight. I live in central time so I have my Vera set to Chicago for time zone.

If I do an absolute time it works fine but I don’t want to manage this all year. When I did my factory reset, I excluded all devices before I did the reset.

Anyone run into this before or know a setting that I may be missing?[/quote]

Is your long and Lat set and set right?

Not sure I have ever seen that setting so I don’t know. Where is the setting for L&L?

In the location tab under settings in your vera UI.

Are you on ui7 or ui5?

UI5. There is nothing there for L&L. The only choices there is the time format, Time zone, and temperature format

There is a section you need to input your city also

That is probably what I meant with Time Zone. It actually said Time Zone but the selections are cities…

Well this probably has something to do with it. Stayed on the location page long enough to see this pop up…


Same problem here: “ERROR: UNABLE_TO_CONNECT_TO_SRV” and found this post because I could not understand why I could not get scenes scheduled on correct sunrise or sunset.

MCV: What is going on here please?

POWER cycle you Vera.
Vera only syncs the real time clock on a POWER cycle.

It can get confused if you have a power outage and Vera boots faster than your router.

Thanks Richard,

but the problem was the particulair page took a long time to load and timed out with mentioned error message. Only after about eight tries the page was populated and I was able to fill in the details. So maybe for others reading this: keep on trying/reloading that page until it shows all the details and then save. After that PLEG was happy to start schedules with sunset/sunrise on the correct time of day.