

Does anyone have a Russound RNET system? Does it integrate well with MicasaVerde?


I wish there was!

I have not seen one as of yet.

Weird that they do not have one. Sucks to say the least as I would love to have it running over here.

[quote=“goldman, post:1, topic:172470”]Hello,

Does anyone have a Russound RNET system? Does it integrate well with MicasaVerde?


Most if not all of the plugins are developed by the community. MCV has too much other things to worry about and limited on man power. If you know how to program, then contributing to the community is a great thing to do.

  • Garrett

Thanks Garrettwp. Unfortunately aside from Basic that I learned in HS, I could not program if my life depended on it.

Any programmers out there that want to make a plugin for Russound I am willing to pay for it.

I would buy it also. I feel that my Russound is the only device left that I would like to control. I am using LlamaPanel Pro to control my CAM, but would be great if I could use it with Vera.

Count me in. I am willing to pay for a Russound Plugin. Surprised no one has built one.

Could very well be that either not many people own one or they own one and are not comfortable in making a plugin.

  • Garrett

It could be, not a cheap system that is for sure.

[quote=“garrettwp, post:8, topic:172470”]Could very well be that either not many people own one or they own one and are not comfortable in making a plugin.

  • Garrett[/quote]

Finally some talk about Russound RNET! We actually have 2 of them, one here in the city and a second one up north. I agree not cheap at all, but for the people I know who have distributed audio/video have either Nuvo or Russound, a couple have Crestron but that’s is crazy expensive.

Count me in for the plugin.

Vera 2 owner, using SQ. I would love to see a Russound Plugin.

FWIW I thing Micasaverde should have a few programmers whose sole job is to build plugins. If MiCasa wants to make money they need to market this with a full range of plugins. Yes the Apple model was build the device and the programmers will make apps for it. I do not think Micasa has the same appeal.

So YES! I would love to see a Russound plugin. How about it Micasa? :slight_smile:


I’m in also… Just picked up a CAV6.6 S-2 and ELK 232. I can gain complete control with this over my ELK, and am awaiting the plugin update to send commands, however a dedicated plugin for this system would be ideal… i’ll pay also…
Anyone want to propose an engineering fee for this and see if the user base can support it?

I am still hoping someone will create a Russound plugin also :slight_smile:

I don’t know how to write an app so I’m creating scenes that just send the ASCII command to the russound from my elk m1xep via rs232. Mute and power on for example. Works quick!


Long time reader, first time post.

I too am willing to pay for a Russound app if someone would develop it.

Just a question, does anyone know of a company or person that could develop an app for Vera?

3 Veras
over 80 Switches
Russound RNET

Let’s make it happen;

Someone willing to charge a Non-Recurring Engineering fee to copy all the Russound RS232 commands into a nice little Plugin?

Wish I was more skilled at it or I would make one. Would love to see a plugin for Russound RNET.