Roomba ThinkingCleaner Plugin

I got the shipping email (no tracking number) and it took a couple of weeks. I didn’t keep track how many. I think it’s shipping via steamship from Europe.

Got mine Yesterday. Been playing with it, got a few questions.

First I installed this app but Looks like it might not be for ui7. I have no roomba icon, Get device lost communication/failure. Does seem to work beyond that.

On the actual ThinkingCleaner andriod app. The dashboard doesn’t work when remote. The dashboard reads unknown and no battery status. I have the account setup and I can login via a web browser and it works remotely, just not on the app. Under options the account is setup in the app.

Notifcations are delayed but a few min. in the app (which do get remotely).

Anyone else have these issues?

I too have had trouble with the app but my issue is simply I just continuously get app crashed messages so I have uninstalled. I also still get issues with roomba lossing wifi details when the router reboots.

I also get chrases on the APP but I run custom roms and thought maybe it had to do with that. I have yet to reboot router, but I’ll test that today also.

Can we fix icons in ui7?

I actually just order a second Vera to run the new UI and experiment. When I get it I will keep everyone posted. Hows it work on ui5?

Any news about availability of Thinking Cleaner version for 700/800 series ? Are they working on it ?

Nothing I have heard. I am really hoping soon since both my roomba are 700 and 800 series

Received my Thinking Cleaner board yesterday and have to say I’m impressed so far.

Just wondering if anyone has looked at using the plugin with PLEG? I’m trying to schedule the Roomba to clean when my house mode isn’t home, deactivating a PIR before it cleans and reactivating it after.

I’m trying to get PLEG to do various things when the roomba status changes but although triggers for cleaning, docked, paused etc show up but don’t ever seem to become true, no matter what the Roomba does.

Has anyone got it to work or do I need to look at doin it a different way?

Many Thanks


I use pleg for this. You can also use the status numbers along with the names.

Is there an advanced command to run a “locate roomba” where it plays the music through Vera?

I am trying to do this as part of a scene where I ask Echo “where’s roomba”

What variables / triggers are you looking at in PLEG? My triggers never become true.

You can run the locate with wget ill get the full command when I get home. But it’s pretty simple

What variables / triggers are you looking at in PLEG? My triggers never become true.[/quote]

Betty is my Roomba. Not only do I use PLEG to send here out when shes full and when we not home, but I dock her when we get home. I also use PLEG to pass threw this information to the a variable container plugin that sends the current data to my Imperihome app on my mobile devices. Pictures posted.

Thanks! I’ve now got ‘Rita’ cleaning when we go out.

I see you look at the load level in your scene; what does it tell you?

What variables / triggers are you looking at in PLEG? My triggers never become true.[/quote]

Betty is my Roomba. Not only do I use PLEG to send here out when shes full and when we not home, but I dock her when we get home. I also use PLEG to pass threw this information to the a variable container plugin that sends the current data to my Imperihome app on my mobile devices. Pictures posted.[/quote]

What variables / triggers are you looking at in PLEG? My triggers never become true.[/quote]

Betty is my Roomba. Not only do I use PLEG to send here out when shes full and when we not home, but I dock her when we get home. I also use PLEG to pass threw this information to the a variable container plugin that sends the current data to my Imperihome app on my mobile devices. Pictures posted.[/quote]

[quote=“bpurchase, post:35, topic:185278”]Thanks! I’ve now got ‘Rita’ cleaning when we go out.

I see you look at the load level in your scene; what does it tell you?

What variables / triggers are you looking at in PLEG? My triggers never become true.[/quote]

Betty is my Roomba. Not only do I use PLEG to send here out when shes full and when we not home, but I dock her when we get home. I also use PLEG to pass threw this information to the a variable container plugin that sends the current data to my Imperihome app on my mobile devices. Pictures posted.[/quote]

What variables / triggers are you looking at in PLEG? My triggers never become true.[/quote]

Betty is my Roomba. Not only do I use PLEG to send here out when shes full and when we not home, but I dock her when we get home. I also use PLEG to pass threw this information to the a variable container plugin that sends the current data to my Imperihome app on my mobile devices. Pictures posted.[/quote][/quote]

Not much really I was playing with that since the status could be several different things for charging. IE “charging” Trickle charging" “Docked”

Anyone using notifications in the ThinkingCleaner app?
It seems that the app doesen’t send the notifications.
(VeraLite, UI5, app version 0.88)
Name Roomba cleaning
Description ThinkingCleaner Remote is cleaning

[quote=“claushaaning, post:37, topic:185278”]Anyone using notifications in the ThinkingCleaner app?
It seems that the app doesen’t send the notifications.
(VeraLite, UI5, app version 0.88)
Name Roomba cleaning
Description ThinkingCleaner Remote is cleaning
Notify [/quote]

If your not talking about the VERA plugin but just the Android app, the Google Plus forum might be better for help on that. I have used PLEG and vera alerts to send me alerts, mostly if it gets stuck.

Other then that I have tried the notifications in the thinking cleaner plugin and they do work on my Android phone.

Round 2 Kickstarter

For those That have a Roomba 700/800 series Roomba, may remember that round 1 Kickstarter did not develop for those model.

From the report below they going to start a new Kickstarter campaign in the near future.

[quote=“Brientim, post:39, topic:185278”]Round 2 Kickstarter

For those That have a Roomba 700/800 series Roomba, may remember that round 1 Kickstarter did not develop for those model.

From the report below they going to start a new Kickstarter campaign in the near future.[/quote]

I wish they had this sooner. I finally addressed all the problems with the roowifi and the plug in so I have no reason to get something else except for cosmetic…