Rogue trigger causes lights to come on

What is the easiest way to locate a bad entry that causes a switch to toggle? I have only 5 scenes and all of them run on a schedule.

Yet, at night, the dimmer that controls my front lights (which is set to come on at 10% at sunset, and off at sunrise) will toggle to full brightness for 10 seconds every hour - at precisely 32min after the hour.

One of my scheduled scenes triggers all of my door locks to lock every hour, but it has not ties to the dimmer - and that happens at a different time (41min after the hour).

The “log” on the GUI shows me that the front porch light has been cycling, and when I watch my recorded video for the night, I can see that it is dutifully cycling each hour - but only at night.

I’ve looked at every scene, every trigger, and I just can’t see it. I’ve looked for delays, trying to find one that is set for 10 seconds, bu they don’t exist. What is the easy way to clear this behavior?

With timing that precise, I would expect to see some evidence in the log - unless it is happening through Z-Wave association. Do you have a motion-detector? Any chance it has an association to the porch light?

Are you using PLEG? If so, check all the actions. Likewise CombinationSwitch or any other logic plugin.

because of your one scene that triggers hourly, and your phantom is occurring hourly, I’d start with killing that lock scene for one night. See if your lights still cycle.

Thanks for the quick replies. No motion sensors at all. Just one Aeon micro dimmer, and three Kwikset door locks.

I’ll deactivate the hourly ALL LOCK scene tonight to see if still happens.

I am running PLEG but only one instance. It’s configured to trigger at night, and when the light is toggled to 100% (i.e. when the manual switch is turned on). The action is to turn the main light on to 100% for 90 minutes, then dim back to 10% when time expires. No schedules or triggers in the PLEG logic.

I’ll start with the ALL LOCK scene tonight. If that doesn’t prevent the cycling, I’ll put the PLEG on bypass tomorrow night.

Rex, is there a better place to view the log, other than the GUI “alerts” section under the device overview? I seem to never have more than 5 or 6 entries - even when clicking through to alerts. I’ve put a thumbdrive in the USB slot, and clicked the copy to USB. Received SUCCESSFUL notification, but can’t view anything on the drive on my PC.

[edited to add c/p from PLEG report}

So is this normal in the PLEG device I’ve created? Under actions for the 90 minute delay, I have three “undefined” actions, before the actual event (setting light level to 10).

Actions for Condition: AutoDim


Device Action Arguments
Front Porch Lights SetLoadLevelTarget newLoadlevelTarget=100

Delay 1:30:00

Device Action Arguments
Front Porch Lights undefined
Front Porch Lights undefined
Front Porch Lights undefined
Front Porch Lights SetLoadLevelTarget newLoadlevelTarget=10

Those are actions for devices that you have deleted … or the PLEG state is corrupted.

What version of PLEG/PLTS are you running ?
I added code back in 5.2 to find/delete these.

5.9 across the board - and with auto update turned on. I’m sure it’s something I did playing around with the VERA. I’ve been pretty rough on it trying different things. At some point I should probably just wipe it clean and start from scratch… Is there anything I can do to repair the PLEG state, or verify whether it’s corrupt?

Just delete the condition: AutoDim and re-enter it and it’s actions.

Rex, is there a better place to view the log, other than the GUI "alerts" section under the device overview? I seem to never have more than 5 or 6 entries - even when clicking through to alerts. I've put a thumbdrive in the USB slot, and clicked the copy to USB. Received SUCCESSFUL notification, but can't view anything on the drive on my PC.
The simple way is to open this URL in your browser: [b]http://vera_ip/cgi-bin/cmh/[/b] Replace [i]vera_ip[/i] with the IP address of your Vera.

For a more-friendly display with a pause facility, install InfoViewer. The latest version is here. Also check-out the installation instructions.

See Logs explained for more ways to view the log.

I suspect you are going to find that your corrupted PLEG is causing the cycling. A quick click on the Bypass button should prove it.