Right equipment

I have a powermaxPro with Powerlink (that is functioning) I want to switch it with my Micasaverde Lite. Because I already have a part of the Visonic kit I tried to connect it to de Micasa with:

[ol][li]1. I bought a NMEA/RS232 to USB with FTDI chipset [url]http://www.pcnautic.nl/Com%20to%20USB%20RS232%20adapter%20naar%20USB[url]choose ftdi.
[li]2. I already had a UTp to com cable which was used to configure a firewall (I think here it goes wrong.[/li][/ol]

I removed the powerlink from my visonic but enrollment of the “micasapowerlink” fails. I get a beeeeeeeeep in stead of a beep beep beep beeeep.

How can I check if my “UTP” to Com is right?
Where can I buy the right cable (prefered in a NL shop but not mandatory). Or does it go wrong with the Com usb cable with FTDI chipset?

update: I checked some more detailed pictures of the visonic kit and it seems like the "UTP"to Com cable is right ? when looking to it from the top the coloring is Brown/Brownwhite Green/Greenwhite Blue/Bluewhite Orange/Orangewhite.
I enrolled the Powerlink after I installed the software and told it to listen to “ftdi_sio” (Communicate using UART).
Or do I have to fix the “Lua Startup Failure” error bef?re I enroll. Please help me.

The problem will indeed be in the RJ45-DB9 cable you are using. Visonic does not use a default pin-out. Have a look at this topic. Once the cable is correct the Lua startup error should go away. After that you can follow the enrollment procedure.

I viewed it, but if all pins are connected (in my case) it should work too (IMHO)? I don’t think they twist, is there a cheap cable on the market or do I have to buy that kit? Because I already bought the expensive Powerlink ;-).

All pins connected doesn’t mean they are all connected in the right order 8). There is no need for a Visonic kit. I use a configurable connector myself. I have a spare if you want, just send me a PM.