RFXtrx not getting current rain from rain sensor

I have a Qubnio weather station but the producer never integrated it in Vera. So I added the sensors to my RFXtrx. All is great except that it doesn’t get Current rain so I do not know if it has started raining and I can’t start any scene for a rainy weather. Also I don’t know what is the rain for the day. Any ideas how I can fix that? It is showing correct the total rain but it is only increasing every time when there is rain so it is working and the RFX is getting data from it. While I was using the Qubino USB stick that was reading the sensors data I used to have current rain value but with a huge dalay in time but that was problem with the stick not with the sensor (all of the sensors data had a huge delay) and that is why I switched to RFXtrx reading sensors. The screenshot is made during heavy rain outside and while the Total rain value was increasing almost every minute.

If you hook the RFX up to your computer and use RFXManager you can see what data comes in, if you see it there, the sensor might be connected to the wrong sensor scheme in Vera? In that case you can try a different one in the Vera plugin.

It was auto created. How could I change it?

I’ve added a lot of code to the plugin for rain sensors. It maintains rainfall amounts for the previous hours, days, weeks, etc. I’ll be posting the latest version of the plugin in the next few days. I don’t know if it will work with the Qubnio weather station or not since I don’t have one to test. It would help to know what the RFXtrx is receiving from it. This might be seen using RFXmngr.

Here is what I get in RFXmngr:

15.6.2018 г. 18:48:49
Packettype = RAIN
subtype = RAIN3 - TFA
Sequence nbr = 12
ID = 800C decimal:32780
Total rain = 53,9 mm
Signal level = 6 -72dBm
Battery = OK

So it doesn’t send current rain. So it should be calculated for some period or something or when it starts increasing to calculate the difference and display it as current rain maybe?

Also I get this for my temp-humidity sensor:

15.6.2018 г. 18:56:02
Packettype = TEMP_HUM
subtype = TH7 - Cresta, TFA TS34C
channel 1
Sequence nbr = 42
ID = 2A0E decimal:10766
Temperature = 21,2 ?C
Humidity = 77
Status = Wet
Signal level = 6 -72dBm
Battery = OK

So maybe linking the humidity and change in the total rain amount for the latest 5 or 10 minutes could give me a reliable rain trigger event?

My plugin updates should work well with that rain sensor. Since your rain sensor doesn’t report the rain rate there currently isn’t a way to trigger an event. I’ll look into making that work before I post my updates.

Thank you for your work. Will my Vera get it with auto update or I will have to do something?

What version of the plugin are you running now and where did you get it?

My updates to the plugin are not made automatically. Watch this forum for when I post the upgrade. You’ll have to download the ZIP file, extract the files and then upload them to your Vera.