I had the misfortune of suffering a hardware failure on my Home Edge which resulted in Restoring the latest working Back Up to a spare Edge that I had as a test Vera.
CS helped me with all of this and many thanks to Herman for his persistence in getting me nearly up and running except there is a problem with the RFXCom.
Initially, there was a general Failure to Open I/O Port which I managed to fault find (needed to setup the serial port). Once I had communication with Vera I thought I was home & hosed but it wasn’t to be…
The devices show that the command as being sent but there is no reaction from the blinds that the RFXCom should control.
I must have missed something but what?..any ideas?
Connect the RFXtrx to a Windows system. Are you able to control the blinds using RFXmngr?
^^^ You need to expand on what you propose.
He is assuming that you have the RFXmngr Windows application (available at RFXCOM.com) that you can use to communicate with the RFXtrx transceiver when it is connected to a Windows PC or laptop. With it you can select the appropriate tab (based on the device you want to send commands to) and determine if you have the correct device parameters; id, group, channel, etc as required for the particular device.
Thanks, I think I have created a problem for myself as I use this opportunity to upgrade the PI to the latest version that you released.
I checked the settings, they had changed from what was in V1.0, couldn;t find a protocol for Somfy, but IIRC there wasn’t a particular one either, however it been years since I’ve had to set this up.
IIRC I had problems with the original PI and your release, most probably better to delete to delete and start from scratch although I’m confused as to what is current and where to obtain it (the Store version was the original IIRC and not yours).
The plugin is not available in the store but the current version of all files are in the first post of the thread Plugin Update V1.87 - USB RFXtrx Transceiver - Ezlo Community
Once you’ve installed the plugin and can communicate with the RFXtrx transceiver go to the New Device tab of the RFXtrx device and select the Somfy RTS device.
RFX Manager shows the RFXCom, but how do I control Somfy Blinds, the UI doesn’t have any Somfy showing?
For what it’s worth I tried the first in Blind1 and returned the following.
9/10/2019 12:48:53:288= Blinds command: 09 19 00 05 00 00 00 01 00 00
Packettype = BLINDS1
subtype = Safy / RollerTrol / Hasta new
Sequence nbr = 5
id2-3 = 0000 decimal:0
Unit = 1
Command = Open
Signal level = +10 dBm
9/10/2019 12:48:54:911= 0402010500
Packettype = Receiver/Transmitter Message
subtype = Transmitter Response
Sequence nbr = 5
response = ACK, data correct transmitted
I’m sure it is transmitting just not transmitting the codes.
Thanks tinman,
I remember I had difficulties with the initial instal, the PI is installed, serial set but for the life of me I can’t work out how to include the Blinds, I don’t see any way of capturing the codes that are transmitted by the remote?
Somfy must be controlled on the RFY tab in RFXmngr.
There is a “List remotes” command to get all programmed ID’s
I received the following: What happens next?
9/10/2019 06:50:50:744= 140101060053107FDFFF0301031C04524658434F4D
Packettype = Interface Message
subtype = Unknown RFY remote! Use the Program command to create a remote in the RFXtrx433E
Sequence nbr = 6
9/10/2019 06:51:43:521= RFY command: 0C 1A 00 07 00 00 01 01 06 00 00 00 00
Packettype = RFY
subtype = RFY
Sequence nbr = 7
id1-3 = 000001 decimal:1
Unit = 1
Command = List remotes
rfu1 = 00
rfu2 = 00
rfu3 = 00
Signal level = +10 dBm
9/10/2019 06:51:43:952= 1401030700000186A1010301031C04524658434F4D
Packettype = Interface Message
subtype = RFY remote:0 ID:01 86 A1 unitnbr:1 rfu1:3 rfu2:1 rfu3:3
9/10/2019 06:51:44:169= 1401030700010186A5010301031C04524658434F4D
Packettype = Interface Message
subtype = RFY remote:1 ID:01 86 A5 unitnbr:1 rfu1:3 rfu2:1 rfu3:3
9/10/2019 06:51:44:495= 1401030700020001F4010301031C04524658434F4D
Packettype = Interface Message
subtype = RFY remote:2 ID:00 01 F4 unitnbr:1 rfu1:3 rfu2:1 rfu3:3
9/10/2019 06:51:44:715= 14010307000300000A010301031C04524658434F4D
Packettype = Interface Message
subtype = RFY remote:3 ID:00 00 0A unitnbr:1 rfu1:3 rfu2:1 rfu3:3
9/10/2019 06:51:44:932= 14010307000400000A000301031C04524658434F4D
Packettype = Interface Message
subtype = RFY remote:4 ID:00 00 0A unitnbr:0 rfu1:3 rfu2:1 rfu3:3
You can see the ID and unit code you have programmed for 4 Somfy devices:
remote:0 ID:01 86 A1 unitnbr:1
remote:1 ID:01 86 A5 unitnbr:1
remote:2 ID:00 01 F4 unitnbr:1
remote:3 ID:00 00 0A unitnbr:1
If you have paired the Somfy devices as described in chapter 9 of the RFXtrx User Guide you will be able to control the Somfy devices using the ID-Unitcode.
All good, appreciate and thank you for your help.
RFXCom doesn’t appreciate being Restored from a backup to a new Vera.
The problem was that I was trying to configure using the procedure that is used for Broadlink (hence my frustration when I couldn’t find a method of including the blinds) rather than the procedure given in Chapter 9.
My best guess for the non-recognition of previous codes is tied up to rolling codes?