Remote Access Problem

I am finally away from my Veralite in NJ (currently in SC). I can access my NJ system with my smartphone (with the Vera Android app) but not from my computer or tablet. Could it be a firewall issue with my NJ router?

No, it could not.

Your Android app is connecting to the Vera servers, to which your Vera has attached. Your PC and tablet should be making the same connection, to the Vera servers.

Since you are unable to get your PC or tablet to connect the the Vera servers, but your smartphone can, I can think of two possibilities.

  1. You are pointing your PC and tablet at the wrong URL. Vera UI5 uses while Vera UI7 uses

  2. Your SC internet connection is preventing your PC from reaching the Vera servers while your phone is using the cellular network for internet.

Just tried again using “” and continue to get the following: “Unable to communicate with your unit. Please be sure the unit is powered and connected to Internet.” I have no problem connecting to my Slingbox which is on the same network as the Veralite in NJ…

Did you just update to the new 7.04?

I allowed an update a couple days ago. I was just checking to see if I could determine the firmware version via the Android app. Apparently not…

I just tried to login via Chrome on my phone and that did not work either (but the Android Vera app does).

Well Friday they released and new version and then sent out the following email.


Following the latest update of UI7 we found out that a small portion of gateways may be affected by an issue preventing them from being accessed remotely. Therefore we would like to kindly ask you to enable Remote Access on your Vera unit and provide us with the access codes so we can easily log in on your gateway and ensure it is working properly at full capacity.

To enable Remote Access please go to the Dashboard → Settings → Tech support and on the bottom of the page you will find the Remote Access section where you can enable it and also see the generated access codes.

Please accept our apologies for this inconvenience and let us provide our assistance.

Thank you!

Vera Control
Customer Support Team

Maybe this is your problem?

Very well could be. Problem is is that I will not be back in the NJ location where the Veralite is until may. Perhaps I could have my son set it up when he checks the property.

I know when I had this problem. I was still able to put in the IP address of the unit locally and get into it. Then I could turn on remote support. But if thats not possible…

Problem solved. I was trying to connect with an old password. It would be nice if the system would tell you the password had a problem instead of just telling you there was a network problem…