Release Notes - RTOS firmware v.8.539

We’ve released a new RTOS firmware v.8.539 for Ezlo Atom and Ezlo PlugHub controllers.

New Features:

  • Added support for overheat child device in House modes and notifications for Overheat child device
  • Implemented API for changing status of items
  • Implement Lua API for changing house modes using the keypad
  • Add needed notifications for Power state sensor
  • Implemented WebSocket API for gateway settings


  • Add syncNotification flag to hub.device.updated broadcast if room Id was changed
  • Add Location UUID setting to controller settings
  • Implemented Zwave network reconstruction in Znet for battery devices
  • Memory usage optimization


  • Fixed the issue with the weekly PIN code restrictions not being set correctly
  • Fixed the issues with Missing “internetAvailable” and “signalQuality” from request
  • Fixed the issues with unable to reset Zwave Settings
  • Fixed the issue on door locks with Lua errors when working with user codes and restrictions
  • Fixed the issues with the Status of items where the Flag was not set synced for some items
  • Fixed the issues with not being able to set the timezone to a new custom value.

Known issues:

  • Issue on devices that support Tamper where the broadcasts and notifications generated are opposite to the actual tamper state.

Is it safe to say that beta testing on Ezlo Atom hubs is no longer required of us, since the release of this RTOS firmware? I ask because I unplugged my tester Atom unit a couple of months ago after running out of things to try with it.

Come to think of it, I/we never received any specific guidance on WHAT to do or try with the Atom / Plus / Edge / App during beta, so testing (for me) was just a self-guided, random experience from day one. But it was fun while it lasted. Just wanted to check and make sure no further testing was required on our part. Thanks.