Release Notes - Ezlo Linux Firmware LIVE release for Ezlo Plus and Ezlo Secure Vera Edge controllers

We’ve released today a new Ezlo Linux Firmware LIVE release for Ezlo Plus and Ezlo Secure Ezlo controllers and Vera Edge running Ezlo Linux fw

New Features:

  • Implemented hub.log.local.set request for changing log level on controller

    • added possibility to enable color highlight of logs
    • added possibility to enable json formating in logs
  • Implemented request for changing Access Point name

  • Implemented API for changing broadcast SSID parameter


  • Bug fixing and improvement on the Wifi connectivity

Known issues:

  • Issue on devices that support Tamper where the broadcasts and notifications generated are opposite to the actual tamper state

  • Issue on Z-Wave devices with “electric_meter_amper” that is updated only when the hub is restarted. Ampere meter not changing value instantly once pairing a device supporting it (for example pairing a switch and adding some load to it - e.g. connect a bulb)

  • Issue on Vera Edge where after the first update from Vera FW to the new Linux FW the “Internet” LED is OFF

  • Issues with some Door Locks, as Danalock V3, that are not added with S2 encryption

  • Vera Edge Wifi connectifity issues:

    • Issues the Vera Edge controller not being able sometimes to connect to a Wifi network
    • Issus with disabling wifi interfaces not working on Vera Edge
    • Issues with method reporting AP interface as up, even if it is disabled