Red cog (previously a warning symbol) on all devices

I have an issue which the UI doesn’t explain. On every device I see a cog icon, and also a pencil icon (in previous firmware versions, just a warning/hazard icon). When I hover over these two icons the cog says ‘job failed:’ and the pencil says ‘Job Successful: Job completed ok: Successfully polled node’.

It’s always shown them, but the devices work fine. With the previous firmware the icons were clickable and took me to the wiki, now the ‘learn more’ link at the top takes me to the wiki (same page) but the page is blank. I would populate the wiki page, if I knew what was wrong and how to solve it.

The wiki page is:

I’m really puzzled by this.

PS: I also assume that the red cog icon should be on the right in both of the screenshots attached.

Your device does not report its manufacturer info (version and model) back to Vera. It appears there are too many such devices (usually, low-end ones) and Vera shouldn’t mark them as faulty.

It’s been discussed here:

The bug was marked as fixed last week, so expect it to be fixed in the new firmware:

The wiki page moved. We updated the link in the web ui and the next firmware will point to this new page that explains the icons:

And, it will also no longer report such devices as being an error.

I’ve seen you say this a few times in the forums. Could you possibly remember to quote the version number of the ‘next version’ for future reference, or if you don’t know that version number yet, maybe quote the last firmware version that will have the problem. It’s very hard to tell from such a vague statement whether I have or haven’t got a fixed version (yet).


sorry. we re-wrote much of the manual and firmware >426 has all the links corrected.