Does anyone know if there is a way to reboot Vera remotely?
Yesterday, away from the house, I saw that all the nodes (pictures of pencils) were red for every zwave stat and switch I have, meaning they failed to communicate. However, all the cogs were green.
I solved the problem when I got home by unplugging Vera and reconnecting the power. This rebooted Vera and fixed everything. I would have liked to be able to reboot Vera remotely. Does anyone know how to do this? In Tech support, there are two buttons that say Reload Router and Reboot Router, but I don’t know what those are for and if that would have restarted Vera.
So I do see the words OpenWRT Kamikaze…, but nothing to click into there. Below a few lines below it I see two clickable System choices, one of which is under Subcategories. It doesn’t matter which one I click, they both end in an internet error page can not be found.
Unfortunately, still not working for me. Could be the computer I’m using since everytime I click system it gives me a page not found. I’ll try it again from my home computer tonight to see if it works.
I have never been able to get into the router menus remotely (using I do hope MC is working on this.
Also, the ability to have Vera reboot itself at specified times would be hugely helpful. On more than one occasion I have returned to my house after a couple of weeks and Vera is in some weird state that requires a reboot (just happened yesterday after 10 days away).
[quote=“EC, post:6, topic:164494”]Unfortunately, still not working for me. Could be the computer I’m using since everytime I click system it gives me a page not found. I’ll try it again from my home computer tonight to see if it works.
I’m right there with you. Vera started to not work after working for a month. Rebooting solved the problem, but I couldn’t do it until I got home. What if I was on vacation? Couldn’t monitor my house then.
Have you tried using mhn’s method? I couldn’t get it to work, but he seems to be able to do it. Can you repeat his method?
Maybe this will answer once and for all if there is an actual way to reboot remotely from or if we need to ask Micasaverda if they have plans to work on it.
So… I copy and paste my host identifier into the url, and all seems well. I navigate on.
Until… you choose Reboot and are presented with an HTML button that states “Yes, really reboot now”.
I have found no way past that bugger. It’s an http Post.
So, mhn may have some other way of getting to it, but certainly not remotely through
[quote=“EC, post:8, topic:164494”]Anthonyris,
Have you tried using mhn’s method? I couldn’t get it to work, but he seems to be able to do it. Can you repeat his method?
Maybe this will answer once and for all if there is an actual way to reboot remotely from or if we need to ask Micasaverda if they have plans to work on it.
I have the same problem and it won’t work remotely. It works just fine locally though. Even locally some of the links they have on the pages to do installs of extra functions don’t work. I never looked at the host indentifier. That could be the problem locally also? Or they are just dead links.
You can reboot Vera from Setup->Advanced->Tech Support: Reboot router
The reboot router is a button at the top of the tech support window. I haven’t tried it yet since i’m not sure if you can access those buttons when you are remotely logged in.
I’ve had the same problem with Vera not responding. It’s waiting for the Zwave network for some reason and I’ve attempted every fix to it except rebooting. Soft reboot is available through a linux machine I VNC into using the same method as described (thorugh WRT), but even going through that does not fix the problem. Looks like a power-off restart is the only thing that’s going to work…again. Bummer as the system is in a cabin 75 miles away on Mt. Hood.
It is likely that there are still bugs in the Zwave healing algorithm.
I think the MCV folks should test these recos before making them.
This, too, results in a 404 - Not Found error.
C’mon now… :o
[quote=“EC, post:14, topic:164494”]Julian from MCV said to do this:
You can reboot Vera from Setup->Advanced->Tech Support: Reboot router
The reboot router is a button at the top of the tech support window. I haven’t tried it yet since i’m not sure if you can access those buttons when you are remotely logged in.
root@HomeControl:/# ps -ef | grep crond
688 root 2372 S crond -c /etc/crontabs
24767 root 2368 S grep crond
So it looks like Micasa already has crond running and we don’t have to write a startup script to start it
I then went to the /etc/crontabs/ directory
the only file there should be root and it looks like micasa has an entry in there already they use to Rotate Their Logs
So you should be able to just edit the /etc/crontabs/root file and add the following line using VI or your editor of choice
0 4 * * * /sbin/reboot
This says to issue the reboot comand everyday at 4 AM in the morning
I’m assuming 4AM would be a good time for you
Then either reboot or restart the crond daemon
Good Luck, btw, you may have to redo this with every Micasa Firmware upgrade. I usually have quite a bit of rework after every upgrade (dyndns, wol, firewall rules, sftp server) but then again, I’m asking alot out of the 6Watts that Vera provides. So far I’ve been pretty satisfied.
btw, my wife suggested just plugging Vera into one of the lamp plugin timers we have (has a setting for turning off/on for specific days). Nah… too obvious… and analog…
Actually there is much easier way to accomplish this:
Get Zwave appliance module
Plug Vera power adapter into it
Program your battery powered programmable controller (Intermatic HA07 in my case) to turn it off in the middle of the night, every day, or selected day in a week.
Then program it to turn it back on minute later (the shortest Intermatic is capable of)
But generally I agree with you guys. MCV should make this feature available to non-Linux folks through their UI. Both remote reboot as well as periodic one.