As of June 2, 2019, here is the current list of Reactor YouTube videos.
If you have suggestions for topics to cover, please by all means make them here! I would love to know what you want to know…
#000 - Installing Reactor - Start with the most basic step, for those that need it; intended for the new Vera user.
#001 - Getting Started with Conditions and Activities - A simple example that shows how to write a condition and take action.
#002 - Groups, Trip/Untrip - An introduction to condition groups, and the historical context of a ReactorSensor’s tripped/untripped state.
#003 - Simple Motion-Controlled Light - This may be the most requested automation: supervising a light using a motion sensor. This is my second version of this video.
#004 - Backup and Restore - Using Reactor’s built in backup and restore facility. If you haven’t backed up your Reactor configuration yet, you should! It takes NO time, and may save you A LOT of time later.
#005 - Turn off AC when door/window left open - Another requested automation, I introduce using expressions to collect data you can use in both conditions and activities.
#006 - Emulating DelayLight in Reactor - uses multiple condition groups, group activities, and storage variables for persistent state tracking.
#007 - Sustain and Delay Reset Options on Conditions - shows how you can use the “sustained for” and “delay reset” options to debounce inputs or delay responses to changing conditions.