Reactor Sensor "Can't detect device"

Hello all, I am completely new to using Reactor.
I am having problems with adding a new sensors. Each time that i add a new sensor a message pops up saying “Can’t detect device” or " Lost Configuration"

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app itself and doing hard refreshes in between.

Any help will be great!


Are you hard-refreshing properly?

Yes I am hard-refreshing properly. I have watched your Reactor #000 video on Youtube and followed the same exact steps you were doing for the installation. But I am getting the same message each time.

OK. Sit tight. I’m not in a place where I can play around at the moment…

No problem, I will be waiting around. Thanks

By the way, have you tried just reloading Luup?

I have no idea, its my first time on the vera and reactor interface… would have to ask the person in charge of the vera app to confirm anything.

OK. Go to Settings > Net & Wifi and press the Reboot button near the top of the page. See if that clears the message(s).

Ok will give it a try, I will update you in a few mintues

Thank you for the help, Rebooting it cleared the messages!!

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