Reactor or Scene Lua

Hi, I would like to run below Lua code once a month?

os.execute(“rm -r /etc/cmh-zwfw/")
os.execute("rm -rf /overlay/etc/cmh/ergy
os.execute(“rm -rf /overlay/etc/cmh/ergy_cache_paired_devices.conf”)
os.execute(“rm /etc/cmh-firmware/mios*”)
os.execute(“rm -r /overlay/etc/”)
os.execute(“rm -r /overlay/etc/cmh/alerts.json”)
os.execute(“rm -rf /www/dm/”)
os.execute(“rm -r /overlay/dataMine”)

Would this work if I just enter this in Lua section in Reactor

or Scene

on Vera Plus? or every line of the code has to be ran by individual scene/reactor?

They should work all together in either place.