I had hoped this had support for reading powerusage from Innovus smartswitches and smartdimmers - but apparently this is not true ?
Is there any ETA for this ?
My SmartDimmer V1 shows Watt on the dashboard sometimes.
Ups no it don’t Watt = level not usage.
Watt = % of the number in Watts under Device.
Not what the smartdimmer reads.
In Innovus XML you have to send the dimmer
to get a reading.
Do you know, you have to keep asking it, to get the values?
I bugged tech support and we found the issue.
The problem is that the watt usage is “guessed” based on dimmer setting and manually entered wattage when you power on/changes the dim setting.
Then the default 100Watt is display - when (and if) a poll of the device succeeds then the correct usage is display together with a Kwh value. This will probably be changed “somehow” in a later firmware so it’s only showing “correct” usage.
So this explains the problem. Another problem is when you delete a device that is associated from another device then the other device fails to poll / configure correctly. This is also an official bug now and I’ll just wait for a proper fix for that also. (when poll / configure fails we cannot get power usage)
I have a funny error on the dashboard regarding Watts. It shows up in 3 places. (see screendump.)
And i never get a correct reading. I waited an hour. The Light Source i 60 Watts.
It’s not an error, it supposed to be shown in three places:
- top - Energy Cost per house
- between -Energy Cost per section
- bottom - Energy per device
You can configure the Energy Cost from Setup->Location
Ok that wasn’t clear to me.
Once you get more devices in more rooms it becomes clearer