Since 2015, I was able to control my 5 RTS blinds in 2 ways:
Way 1. Wireless via a Somfy Telis 4 remote control
Way 2. With VeraEdge + a RFXtrx433E intermediate device from Vesternet.
A few weeks ago, I had to have my remote control replaced (because of a defect). Before the replacement, way 2 (VeraEdge + RFXtrx433E) still worked fine.
The receivers inside the blinds were reconfigured by the technicians and every worked okay for that part (way 1). I didn’t remove any config or setting or anything from VeraEdge and I hoped it would be enough to follow the guidelines of a Vesternet manual (quoted below).
Pairing the Vera device to the Somfy RTS Blind
Press and hold the recessed “Programming Button” on the original Remote Control until the blind “jogs” (moves up and down briedy).
Make sure “Program” is selected in the “Command:” drop-down list, then click “Run”:
The blind should “jog” (moves up and down briedy) again to confirm the pairing has been succesful.
You will now have control over the Somfy RTS Blind Motor from within Vera!
The result was not what I expected. The blinds jogged the first time but not the second time. VeraEdge is still not able to control the blinds.
I submitted a support request to Vesternet. Their reply was rather disappointing (to use an understatement): “Unfortunately these products are obsolete now and the only support we can offer for them are the existing guides on the Vesternet web site.”
They forward the link to this community forum. I sure hope somebody has an easy and straight forward way to solve this problem, without the risk of deactivating the remote control configuration (configured by the technicians).
Feel free to ask additional questions or details if something is not clear.
Kind regards