RC8021 IP camera and Vera2

I recently bought a Vera2 camera kit from zwaveproducts.com. It came with a Vera2 and an IP camera labeld as “RC8021”. The camera doesn’t appear in Vera’s supported list (only Panasonic is), and when I try to add it manually (using /img/video.mjpeg as the URL), it doesn’t show the picture correctly. What am I doing wrong?

What firmware are you running? I believe that in the more recent versions, certain cameras will be automatically configured.

The above aside… can you get to the cameras web page, or streams from a browser?

I upgraded my firmware last night. I’m running 1.1.1047. I can see the video on the camera’s web page.

Could the problem be that my camera uses MJPEG instead of JPEG? I looked at Vera’s supported IP camera list and it looks like the required URLs all use JPEG. I can’t find any instructions for my IP camera so I don’t know if there is a way to get JPEG instead of MJPEG images.

[quote=“Red0x, post:3, topic:168025”]I upgraded my firmware last night. I’m running 1.1.1047. I can see the video on the camera’s web page.

Could the problem be that my camera uses MJPEG instead of JPEG? I looked at Vera’s supported IP camera list and it looks like the required URLs all use JPEG. I can’t find any instructions for my IP camera so I don’t know if there is a way to get JPEG instead of MJPEG images.[/quote]

From googling, I’m wondering if the RC8021 is a clone of the Schlage LiNK IPcam - try the static image URL below which is for the Schlage:


[quote=“Red0x, post:3, topic:168025”]I upgraded my firmware last night. I’m running 1.1.1047. I can see the video on the camera’s web page.

Could the problem be that my camera uses MJPEG instead of JPEG? I looked at Vera’s supported IP camera list and it looks like the required URLs all use JPEG. I can’t find any instructions for my IP camera so I don’t know if there is a way to get JPEG instead of MJPEG images.[/quote]OK, so thats an old version, you’ll want to update from that!:


Thanks limey, that URL worked.