Raspberry Pi3 + PSU + case for $22

Not sure how long it will last but if you go to www.arrow.com if you order $20 in components they’ll kick in a free raspberry Pi 3 and overnight shipping. Great if you want to try eg OpenLuup, MaryTTS or some other Vera related projects.

I ordered below:

  • Power Supply - T5989DV - $11.66
  • Adafruit case - 1998 - $9.39

and they kicked in a free Raspberry Pi3.

This no fly by nite operation. Arrow is a pretty reputable wholesale parts house.

“He’s dead, Jim.”

I must have gotten the last one…

The site was back up moments ago but orders seem to come in waves and make it buckle under the load.
I’m not sure if mine will come tomorrow (free overnight shipping) but at what I paid, I am cool with it coming day after.

Yes, I put my order in before I posted here… :slight_smile:

The demand for Pi is irrational.

:smiley: I didn’t expect such a punny error page.

The pi’s have all been eaten. No more free Pi. But they still offer free overnight shipping and 30% of a Pi 3.