Quick noob help

Last night I read through the whole Pleg Basics.pdf and still had a few questions that are probably obvious, but cant seem to find an answer or example. Ill ask in the terms of the function I amtrying to create. Any help is appreciated to get me started.

I want my zwave 3way dimmer switch to turn on my kitchen can lights when we hit Sunset minus hours and go off 6 hours later. Then repeat every day.

Triggers: seem straight forward for tripping a door sensor, but not sure if triggers apply to my above scenario (mine seems more schedule based).

Schedules: Sunset, Start Type: Day of Week (all days checked), Time: Before Sunset 3 Hours, Stop Type: Interval After 6 hours.

Device Properties: Not sure here, didnt know if this is where i specify LightsOn or what, has Capabilities I dont recognize for my device.

Being very comfortable with If statements and logic, I assume this is where i build the formula, but based on above I dont have all the named variables i think I need. I assume I need Repeats here for this.

Once condition is complete, seems straight forward I point the Action for that condition by clicking on the appropriate device/action.

I hope I am close :slight_smile:

You’re correct - your application just needs a schedule and you got that exactly right! Here’s your starting place - you will undoubtedly add more logic later…

Evening Start Type: Day of Week (all days checked), Time: Before Sunset 3 Hours, Stop Type: Interval After 6 hours

KitchenOn [Rpt=No] Evening
KitchenOff [Rpt=No] !Evening

KitchenOn KitchenDimmer On
KitchenOff KitchenDimmer Off

Thanks Rex. I will for sure keep ramping up the logic but your help is a great starting point. Its much appreciated.