Question about the Wayne-Dalton WDTC-20 thermostat.

This may be a terribly simple question but I’m just getting started. If I install the WDTC-20 with a Vera and I’m viewing it remotely will I see what the thermostat is set to as well as the actual temperature at the thermostat? In other words does the WDTC-20 also act as a temperature sensor? In case the boiler goes out I suppose. And can an event be created to send notification if the thermostat drops below defined temperature, or is a seperate temp sensor required?

Thanks in advance.

The good news is that currently uses a “frame” in which you see the same view remotely as you would at home from your local network (see attached JPG). Yes, the WDTC-20 device will display both the HEAT and COOL setpoints as well as the current temperature it senses.

Whether these data also appear within the mobile apps (iPhone, Smartphone, etc.) depends on (a) whether you’re using the latest Luup-enabled version of Vera’s firmware (.700 or higher), (b) which viewing mode you selected, and (c) whether MCV alters the look of the mobile interface, which among other things, has recently lacked the means to enter in new setpoints.

But you can rest assured all the info you want is there, or WILL be there soon!

Thanks. Can Vera send me a notification if the temperature falls below a certain temperature?

Yes, create a scene, add an event, and setup a notification. you need the Luup beta release.

Are you sure the Luup beta release is required? I’ve upgraded to it, but prior to that I had an event that would email me if the house was getting too hot (using the same model thermostat).


Right, that was in .616 too

Am I missing something really basic? How do set up a schedule with the thermostat?

I can see any way to change the setpoint of the thermostat in a scene. Yes, I can set it manually from the Devices page but I can’t seem to figure out how to make a scene with a timer that can control it.

This is a simple fundamental feature of the average $30 timer based thermostat. Is it too simple to be considered on Vera?

I do seem to be able to turn it OFF and HEAT with a pre set setpoint so I suppose I could make a series of scenes that turn it off at certain times and temperatures and then turn it back on if it gets too cold. But this is a lot of work and seems like a stupid way to do it. Also if the Vera dies with it OFF the house will freeze.

I imagine there is some simple LUUP to make a scene to set the point to X. Then have one for Warm and another for Lower temperature and then set a timer on those events.

If there is no way in the UI to do this for normal people does someone have the LUUP code for this?



See for HTML code. Should be easily translatable to Luup.

If I could easily translate to LUUP I could probably just as easy cobble something up. I see setpoint actions and stuff like that but I have no clue at all how to code LUUP and while I hope to learn I don’t have the time now and just my thermostat to “just work”.

I guess that means there is no real thermostat support for normal operations like a schedule?

The LUUP idea was to come up with some simple events that I can then easily control with a schedule from the UI.

Any LUUP gurus want to help me out?

As seems to be fixed,

sc, res = luup.inet.wget(“http://[Vera’s IP address]:49451/data_request?id=lr_sPhone_action&room=[room number]&device=[device number]&service=urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSetpoint1_Cool&action=SetCurrentSetpoint&NewCurrentSetpoint=[your new setpoint]”)

should do the trick (replace the strings in brackets with your data, use TemperatureSetpoint1_Cool instead of TemperatureSetpoint1_Heat if needed). I cannot test it because I don’t have access to US thermostats.

Just for the records:

See for a ‘Luup only’ version.

Also documented in the wiki:

All I want to be able to do is fetch the current temperature & the setpoints from my vera on a remote system - I’d like to graph the house temperature using Cricket (an old perl based program that uses rrdtool to store the data). A simple URL would suffice - if need be I can hack the returned info to extract just the datapoints.

Never mind - I answered this myself after poking around the LUUP section - I can post the 1 line entry if anyone is interested - is a simple matter of using curl to grab the info from vera.
Here’s the line:
curl “