Qubino Z-Wave Dimmer ZMNHDD1 disaster on edge with firmware 7.30

Hi there!

Another frustrated user with exactly the same issues…

  • Failed to set up security error
  • Error occurred with Qubino dimmer and Fibaro wall plug.
  • Tried adding devices real close to the vera box (this i a pail because the dimmers are built in the wall)

in the mean time: ALL of my zwave devices have dissapeared from my dashboard.
But I think that is not really related but a database corruption. Retoring a previous backup did not solve this unfortunately.

Contacted support, but going totally mad!

Firmware: 1.7.5186 (7.31)

*** EDIT. ***

My devices have re-appeared … When I was resoring the backup I forgot to tick the box “restore ZWAVE network”

Pfff … Now on with adding those devices :slight_smile: