Put Tuning Dreambox ON - OFF and other stuff

Enigma 2 boxes like the Dreambox 800;

-- Dreambox ON - 5 Second timeout
local status, result = luup.inet.wget("", 5)

-- Dreambox Standby
local status, result = luup.inet.wget("", 5)

--  Display message on DM
local status, result = luup.inet.wget(""&type=2&timeout=5", 5)

More intel about some codes you can use;


Any tips or corrections on my post are welcome :slight_smile:

speeksel, cool!!! It works! Thanks a lot! =)

Do you know how I can get current channel? I would like to use it as Input in Program Logic Event Generator. Dreambox plugin not update it in real time… only after vera3 reboot…

@speeksel thanks for the pointer. There’s also a Vera plugin for Enigma2 boxes: http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,10536.msg114922.html

Edit: sorry for the redundant link, didn’t notice that @allmoney.ws already linked to it :slight_smile:

@allmoney.ms: http://box/web/subservices, this is explained at http://openremote.org/display/docs/OpenRemote+2.0+How+To+-+Enigma+2+Digitalbox
@capjay: sometimes it is easier to do it yourself :slight_smile: