Problem with UPS Sensor plugin in App Store (I think)

Hi akbooer,

I added a plugin (Netatmo) via the Alt App Store, that went fine. However, I now want to upgrade that to the development branch version, so I look under the list of plug-ins and it is not showing.

Looking in the browser console it complains that the icon file is missing, but oddly enough it does show in the app store. It is my own plugin; UPS Sensor. Can you fix in the app store what may be wrong with the plugin definition?

Cheers Rene

I don’t understand what your Netatmo issue has to do with your UPS Sensor?

Hi akbooer,

Sorry should have been more clear. The issue seems with the App Store definition of the UPS Sensor plugin. That does not seem to have the icon attribute and ALTUI does not like that. However, when I look as the publisher of the app, I do see the icon specified, so I do not know why the icon seems to be missing.

I came to this conclusion after I installed your Netatmo plugin from the app store but then did not see it in the list of installed plugins. Also not seeing the culprit UPS Sensor plugin btw.

Hope this is a bit more clear.

Cheers Rene

So two problems then:

[ol][li]Netatmo does not show in Installed Plugins, after AppStore installation[/li]
[li]UPS Sensor Plugin not right in the AppStore[/li][/ol]

[quote=“akbooer, post:4, topic:195214”]So two problems then:

[ol][li]Netatmo does not show in Installed Plugins, after AppStore installation[/li]
[li]UPS Sensor Plugin not right in the AppStore[/li][/ol][/quote]

I’ve just successfully installed both from the AppStore on a clean development machine. Don’t see any problem?

Hi akbooer,

Forget about the Netatmo plugin. That is picture perfect (of course, it’s yours :D).

After you installed the UPS Sensor plugin, and then under the More menu select Plugins, do you see it listed?

I do not. I get this error in the browser console:

[code]TypeError: plugin.Icon is undefined

var iconTemplate = ( plugin.Icon.startsWith(‘https’) ? "<img class='altui-plugin…[/code]
and it is on the entry for the UPS Sensor plugin.

Cheers Rene

See attachment.

Ok, I guess I need to hack in the user_data.json then, as hitting install again from the App store does not help. Whish me luck ;D

I think I did not have an icon configured in the 1.0 version and used that for my initial install.

Cheers Rene