Problem with my PLEG setup

Any help would be great.

I have a dehumidifier hooked up to a zwave switch which monitors Watts. I have the pleg configured so that if one of my two zwave humidity sensors go above 55 then the switch turns on. The switch should turn off when both are below 51 and the dehumidifier is drawing less then 100 watts. The dehumidifier will run independant of the zwave sensors until it gets the humidity down to 45 percent at 350Watts then drop down to about 50 Watts and just run the fan as it has its own humidity sensor.

The problem is PLEG keeps switching the the dehumidifier on and then off, throughout the day even though the humidity never gets above 55.


You must have something else in your system turning the Humidity on.
The High humidity has NEVER been true … so Its condition will never have been run.

I deleted the high humidity action and recreated it before posting the pdf because i didn’t want the dehumidifier constantly switching. As soon as i delete the highhumidity action the starting of the Dehumidifier switch stops. I did this a couple times well troubleshooting, deleting /creating that action. .


It’s hard to tell without a current status report showing the problem!

It was something else starting it. I totally forgot I had used that seitch on a fridge before to track energy and had a scene setup to turn it on every hour!!. Opps.
