Problem with HSM100

Like everyone else I have upgrade from 1.1.1047 to 1.1.1083.

However, now I am having problems with the HSM100s (which I have three). Simply, they are not reporting the correct information. They remain frozen at some arbitrary value. When I try to configure the sensors I keep getting the message “Failed at: Setting special association.” Have the same problem when I try to repair the network. :frowning:

I suppose I could exclude and re-include the devices but I’m 200 miles away from Vera.

Does anyone have any thoughts? Thanks in advance for any help you could provide. :slight_smile:

sorry I cant be more helpful but I had the same experience. out of my 7 HSM-100’s 5 were ok after the upgrade and 2 required pressing the blue button and doing a “configure now”. not sure why, if you have the ability I would try a power cycle of vera (or a reboot if not) though this did not correct mine ???

Hi –

Thanks for the advice… Being 200 miles away from Vera makes reconfiguring and power cycle vera a little problematic. Next opportunity will be in a few weeks. I appreciate your help.

[quote=“DonDiego, post:3, topic:167586”]Hi –

Thanks for the advise… Being 200 miles away from Vera makes reconfiguring and power cycle vera a little problematic. Next opportunity will be in a few weeks. I appreciate your help.[/quote]
I feel ya bro, mine is almost 200 mi offsite and it drives me crazy when I can’t read the sensors, thats what we got vera for!

The 3-in-1s can make you crazy. The latest twist for me is that with the new software I’ve seen mine configure faster than they ever did before. In the past, mine would usually fail during configuration unless I moved the device very close to Vera. Now I can leave them in their normal position and they configure within just a few seconds. I have no idea why this is happening, but I like it. Maybe it’s just another fleeting anomaly in my system.

Has anyone recently experience problems configuring HSM100, 3 in 1 sensors?

I now have 4 sensors that have been “configured” but have blank readings for temperature, movement and light. Reconfiguring the sensors, excluding and re-including the sensors and running a network repair does not fix the problem. Also, there is no messages appearing below the sensor ions.

I have replaced all of the batteries in the past week…

Any help would be appreciated. I’m out of ideas…

there are known issues with these sensors in recent versions, it is being worked on and will hopefully be resolved in the next officially released beta


I finally got my 4 HSM100 sensors configured but now I have 8 of additional blocks that got generated for one sensor called _Scene Controller and _AV Misc. They don’t provide any information and I’m not sure how to get rid of them. Doing a network repair/heal doesn’t solve the problem…

Thanks in advance for any help provided.


I would exclude and re-include that sensor, i had something similar in the past and tried excluding just the bogus ones by “remove dead node” and that created all sorts of problems including screwing up the sensor